On a recent Sunday, Silvia Rezzonico pushed a stroller through the glorious gardens of Villa Belgiojoso, winding past parents chasing their toddlers and families lounging on blankets. Under a black walnut tree, she paused to look down at the baby boy dozing angelically in the pram. “He’s not really mine,” she said. But he was her coveted ticket int...

The modern city of Rome is a complex place for those who live here and especially for those who visit. With its thousands of years of history and its hidden ancient treasures, it continues to surprise. Among the most historic and unusual places in this city, the Scala Santa (Holy Stair) complex deserves special attention. Standing next to the Basil...

Italy has the unenviable fortune of having lived through not one, but two lost decades. Italy, among other things, has several depressing primates, such as one of the most anaemic levels of growth, one of the lowest occupational rates in Western Europe, including for women and young. Italy still continues to invest too little in education, while in...

I’ve traveled extensively throughout mainland Italy over the past 20 years. I love the subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle differences in the regions from north to south and east to west. However, my trip to Sardinia this past November was my first encounter with the island. Italy’s second largest island after Sicily, Sardinia is best known for its...

Barcellonetta, an Italian term meaning small and pretty Barcelona, is the nickname for the city of Alghero, on the Northern coast of Sardinia dating back to the 1372 conquest of the city by Catalans. In this pearl on the Coral Riviera, street names are still written in both Catalan and Italian and there is even a Catalan TV. That ancient domination...

The northern Italian city of Parma is the Italian Capital of Culture in 2020.  It took over the title from Italy's 2018 Capital of Culture, Palermo, and the 2019 European Capital of Culture, Matera.  Below you will find just some of the countless reasons why this stunningly beautiful city deserves this recognition. Within Parma, one can find numero...

Incrementare il turismo delle radici. È questo l’obiettivo principale che ha portato il Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all’Estero (Cgie) e l’Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo (ENIT) a siglare ieri pomeriggio alla Farnesina, durante la riunione del Comitato di Presidenza del Cgie, un protocollo d’intesa che porterà la due parti a collaborare per ince...

Rome's Garbatella neighbourhood, which celebrates its centenary in 2020, was designed primarily to house railway and dock workers working in the neighbouring industrial district of Ostiense. When Garbatella's ground-breaking ceremony took place at Piazza Brin on 18 February 1920, an event presided over by Italy's King Victor Emanuel III, the fledgl...

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci is undoubtedly one of the most iconic, most famous works of art of all times. As such, it has always attracted crowds to the Refectory of the Dominican church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan where it is located. It is also regarded as a miraculous painting: it survived Leonardo’s own experimentations with a...

Oh, Venice! Its name alone is enough to conjure images of a time gone by. But why stop there? Romantic yet stately, calm yet vibrant, there are so many sides to the city. So to do it justice, we’ve compiled this list of the best descriptions of Venice in literature that will make you fall head over heels with the Floating City (if you haven’t alrea...