Museums and palaces may be closed, but the online world is more open than ever. Many cultural institutions in Italy are coping with the nationwide lockdown by opening their virtual doors to the public, offering alternative ways to see their art and architecture and to savor the culture through online tools, such as virtual tours, YouTube videos, en...

Ostia Antica gets EU recognition together with nine other sites in Europe. Rome. The archaeological area of Ostia Antica has been awarded the European Heritage Label by the EU, in recognition of its historical and cultural heritage. The news, announced by the EU Commission, saw a jury of independent experts award Ostia along with nine other heritag...

There is little comfort in the news these days: grim and frightening statistics that measure the relentless global march of the viral outbreak; reports of medical workers in many countries heroically treating patients in dire conditions; and stark images showing how much of the world has come to a standstill because of the health crisis. If there w...

Ferrara, a pleasant, bike-friendly small town in Emilia-Romagna, has been a Unesco World Heritage site since 1995, along with the surrounding agricultural lands of the vast Po river delta.  The area comprised within the Unesco site includes the medieval city within the ring of defensive walls that were erected starting in the 12th century, and subs...

Tra i canyon delle Dolomiti, nella città termale amata da Sissi (Merano) o a Bolzano, per scoprire la celebre mummia Ötzi, risalente ad oltre 5.000 anni fa. Per il momento, di viaggiare, a causa dell’emergenza Coronvirus, non se ne parla. Ma grazie alla tecnologia è possibile visitare musei, partecipare a laboratori creativi e «muoversi» tra le mer...

The protected marine area Sinis Peninsula - Mal di Ventre Island is a marine area located west of the city of Oristano that protects the environment including the Sinis Peninsula, characterized by a varied rocky and sandy coast, the Mal di Ventre Island, and the Scoglio del Catalano. The importance of the area derives from the tourist impulse it ha...

Recently I stood on a windswept hilltop overlooking Urbino, took a picture, and texted my husband. From five thousand miles away, he texted back: “Is that a painting?”“It is a painting,” I typed. “Well, it became one.” Actually, the dramatic landscape around Urbino has appeared in many paintings. There is something about Urbino itself—with its undu...

The Procopio Castle is only a few kilometers from Perugia, ideally located between Umbria and Tuscany, on a hill overlooking the Tiber Valley. It was restored in 2005, when Russian entrepreneur Eugeny Lebedev decided to take it back to its ancient splendor by entrusting Studio Domenico Minchilli with the project – which entailed retrieving and stud...

About an hour south of Florence is the medieval town of San Gimignano, a Unesco World Heritage site since 1990. During the Middle Ages, its location in Val d’Elsa, 56 km south of the Tuscan capital, provided an important rest stop for pilgrims traveling to or from Rome on the Via Francigena. San Gimignano is famous today for its fortified tower hou...

The Flavian Amphitheater located in Pozzuoli is the third biggest structure of its kind after the one in Capuano and, of course, Rome’s famous Colosseum. Built in the 1st century AD, it could seat an audience of up to 40,000 people. Some historians claim Emperor Vespasian started it and Titus completed it, while others believe Nero oversaw the enti...