L'egregio documentario di John Maggio sugli italo americani presentato la scorsa settimana alla New York University (evento organizzato dalla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò diretta da Stefano Albertini) e l'appendice cartacea elaborata da Maria Laurino rappresentano senza dubbio un importante momento storico e sociale nella scrittura e scoperta della...

With such a deep passion for both Italian culture and U.S innovation, Italian-American Cosimo Pizzulli has definitely left his mark in both worlds.  A sculptor, interior designer, and innovator himself, Cosimo has become the head of an architectural firm that combines the classical flavor of Italian art with the modern technology of the contem...

by Lauren Steussy   Ralph's Italian Ices is getting a new look, just in time for its busy warm-weather season. This year, visitors to the famous frozen treat shop's flagship location on Port Richmond Avenue will be greeted by a bright new mural directly across the street, painted by Port Richmond's own Kwue Molly.   Molly, now an...

by Lee Breslouer   Just because a pizza place has stuck around for a long while doesn't mean its pies are anything special... but mostly it does. We tricked you again, it 100% does! And that's certainly the case with these 21 pizzerias from across the country, all of them continuously in operation since the day they opened so many years ago...

Presented by Salvatore J. Turchio, M.S.Ed., State Historian - Grand Lodge of New Jersey  - Order Sons of Italy in America. You are cordially invited to attend an interactive PowerPoint presentation on the life and legacy of Frank Sinatra, and the cultural impact of his music, philanthropy, social activism, and patrioti...

By Niccolò Graffio Growing up, like many American-born boys, I was enamored with tales of superheroes, men with "powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men" who used their powers in the fight against evil. The names of these fictitious heroes no doubt would ring a bell with many who are reading this article: Superman, Spiderman, Thor and...

by Paul Saltarello   Dr. Giuseppe Perrucci serves in the Carabinieri in Italy: The Italian national police force. He has been a member since 2006, serving on many missions and patrols, including airports in Rome and Milan, as part of an anti-terrorism team. Presently, his duties are in the region of Basilicata, in southern Italy.  ...

Lunedì sera New York ha ricordato Federico Fellini in una serata tributo al Pershing Square Signature Center organizzata dalla Venetian Heritage Foundation e sponsorizzata da Fendi. Gli attori Diane Lane e Edward Norton hanno messo in scena la vita di Federico Fellini interpretando dal vivo Caro Federico, una piece teatrale scritta da Ludovica Dami...

The Federation of Italian-American Organizations held its 36th annual fundraising gala at the El Caribe County Club on Sunday, April 7, and the dinner helped raise funds for the federation's new Italian Cultural Center in Brooklyn. One of the honorees was Cav. Uff. Aldo Mancusi, who has been the caretaker and founder of the Enrico Caruso Museum of...

di Riccardo Chioni   Si è appena conclusa la 36.ma edizione dello strapopolare Five Boro Bike Tour che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 32 mila ciclisti e già si parla del 2014 con il Gran Fondo Giro d'Italia che ieri ha fatto l'esordio newyorkese. In quasi quaranta anni dal primo tour dei cinque quartieri della Big Apple, i ciclisti dilettan...