If you want to take a summer vacation to Italy from the comfort of your couch, I have just the solution…and it comes in the form of a foreign film marathon. This is blessedly easy to accomplish for Netflix subscribers, too, since the streaming platform has a whole host of exclusive Italian films available for your viewing pleasure. 1. Happy as Lazz...

I love an enticing thriller as much as the next gal. (I’ve watched Denzel Washington’s serial killer flick, The Little Things, more than once, but who’s counting?) So, when I saw the new Italian suspenseful drama Vanished Into the Night sitting at the number three spot on Netflix’s top ten movies list, I was undoubtedly intrigued.  Vanished Into th...

La dolce vita, or "the sweet life" – popularised by Federico Fellini's eponymous 1960 film – is the single phrase that sold Italy as a rainbow-coloured land where dreams are made. It's an ephemeral term that immediately evokes an unmistakable aesthetic: neon-orange Aperol Spritzes, Vespa scooters, cappuccinos in the piazza, Mediterranean expanses o...

Netflix's latest comedy offering, Made in Italy, invites audiences on a delightful journey through the picturesque landscapes of Italy, intertwined with heartwarming humor and touching moments of love and redemption. Set against the backdrop of the stunning Tuscan countryside, Made in Italy follows the story of Jack (played by Liam Neeson), a Londo...

The world seems more upside-down than usual. War in the Middle East and Ukraine engulfs our senses. In the United States, both political parties always appear on edge while the country struggles to find its international role, and our foes keep a watchful eye. These troubling times require an immediate escape and a semblance of order. In my pursuit...

Nearly 50 years ago, actor Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Balboa was a down-on-his-luck club fighter who worked as a seedy collector on the docks. After six films and a Creed spin-off franchise, featuring three of its own installments, fans forget that the Italian Stallion originally served as a muscle-bound collector to the disreputable but likable To...

Studio 5 at Cinecittà is firing on all cylinders. In its day, it was Federico Fellini’s favorite, in which he filmed La Dolce Vita, Amarcord and Eight and a Half. The director’s association with the studio was so strong that a funeral chapel was built on the lot for his memorial service in 1993. This summer, a filmmaker of a different nature, Rolan...

Netflix unveiled a new lineup of Italian fiction series and feature films at the streamer’s “See What’s Next” event in Rome. Alongside previously announced shows and returning series, the upcoming slate includes two new feature films and a pair of drama series. The new films are Il treno dei bambini (The Children’s Train) from director Cristina Com...

The world of period drama is steadily getting bigger. Not only are we (finally!) getting more stories focused on British periods outside of the Regency (Mary & George, Monstrous Beauty), lavish foreign dramas are rapidly picking up the slack when it comes to historical dramas set outside the United Kingdom. From German series like The Empress to Da...

Shooting has kicked off in Rome on limited series “The Leopard” based on the classic Sicily-set novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa that marks Netflix’s most ambitious Italian original to date. Production on the lavish period piece will take place in the Sicilian cities of Palermo, Syracuse, Catania as well as the Italian capital over the next fo...