ITA Airways launches new marketing campaign in North America. Starting today on air in San Francisco and Los Angeles, to be followed by Boston, Washington, Miami and New York. ITA Airways presented its new marketing campaign "A Sky full of Italy" in the Consulate General of Italy in New York, in the presence of Fabrizio Di Michele, Consul General o...

September 12 2023 New York, NY, United States

A plaque was delivered on the occasion of June 2, Italy's Republic Day, to commemorate Arturo Di Modica, the sculptor originally from Vittoria, Sicily, who is world famous for the Wall Street Bull. It was delivered into the hands of New York Mayor Eric Adams by Antonino Laspina, director of the Italian Trade Agency. The plaque certifying the author...

It’s a place that needs no introduction. Known worldwide for its beauty, history and culture, Tuscany is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy. However, still not satisfied with this success, the region aims to promote itself more on both national and international markets. This is why Region President Eugenio Giani came to New York...

Under the watch of Professor Raffaele Marchetti, the key word is “internationalization.” Today he is Pro-rector at LUISS Guido Carli University and works tirelessly to build relationships between the Roman university and foreign countries.  He was recently in Latin America and Canada, and now he has arrived in New York. We met with him at the Unite...

At the Consulate General of Italy in New York, at the initiative of Consul General Fabrizio Di Michele, the documentary film Qui Nuova York. America as Told to Italians by Television, by Marco Giudici and Andrea Salvadore, directed by Andrea Salvadore. It is a 90-minute adaptation of a production that aired on Rai channels abroad.Inspiring the work...

The Consulate General of Italy in New York is pleased to announce that the procedure for the identification of a new Honorary Consul in Clifton (New Jersey) has been concluded with the appointment of Cav. Sarah Angela Cangialosi in Salamone. Consul General in New York, Fabrizio Di Michele, extends his congratulations to Cav. Sarah Cangialosi on the...

Giulio Picolli, a successful entrepreneur with well-acknowledged outstanding expertise, was recently given the honor of Commendatore OMRI (Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana) at the Italian Consulate in New York. Giulio Picolli is praised for his contributions to preserving the ties between Italy and New Jersey’s Italian-American community....

A representation of students from La Scuola d'Italia and other schools returned to cheer up the reception hall of the Italian Consulate in New York with the Christmas Action Party 2022, which resumes the tradition of pre-Christmas playful-sports games set to healthy nutrition and motor activity for children from the Italian, Italian American and It...

When the board of directors at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum contemplated planning its annual fundraiser luncheon and joined forces to brainstorm ways to ensure its success, thoughts on how to showcase the Rosebank museum’s deep-rooted Italian heritage came to mind. When it was confirmed that Maria Gabriella Garibaldi and her brother, Alessandro Gari...