In the institutional setting of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, a socio-cultural talk compared the old and new waves of Italian immigration to America, unveiling the challenges and achievements of generations of emigrants. The event was inspired by the presentation of the book "Recipes and Memories of Grandpa – A Mediterranean Lifestyle," a work t...

Dear friends, it has been a very, very busy but exciting June for all of us here at We the Italians. We started it in New York's Little Italy with the opening party of the magnificent Red Sauce Studio, the latest genius brainchild of John Viola and the group that makes the Italian American Podcast with him, including my friends Rossella Rago and Pa...

June 17, 2024 Camera dei Deputati, Roma, Italy

Dear friends, Next June 4 will be a very important date. Exactly 80 years earlier, on June 4, 1944, troops of the American Fifth Army entered Rome, liberating it from Nazi oppression and war. The people of Rome took to the streets, finally free and happy, to celebrate, hug and thank the American soldiers. These are scenes of happiness that all us R...

The Embassy of Italy in Washington hosted the annual meeting of the Council for the United States and Italy (Consiglio per le Relazioni tra Italia e Stati Uniti — ConsIUSA) on April 9th-10th. Italian Ambassador to the United States, Mariangela Zappia, welcomed participants on the evening of April 9th at Villa Firenze. The Italian Minister of Univer...

Hon. Christian Di Sanzo spoke at the presentation of the book "The Italian Legacy in Philadelphia History, Culture, People and Ideas" edited by Andrea Canepari and Judith Goode. Present at the conference, in addition to Hon. Di Sanzo, were Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, Vice President of the Senate, and Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, former foreign m...

Dear friends, 2024 is fast moving on between the daily routine made up of news and content in social media, the monthly routine with interviews and the magazine, and the planning of projects, events, and lots of news, both in Italy and in the United States. The first news ... is not new: it is the third edition of our Gala here in Rome, which again...

On Jan. 30, thanks to an initiative organized by the Hon. Christian Di Sanzo, elected in North and Central America, the Sala del Cenacolo at the Vicolo Valdina Complex, in the heart of Rome, was inaugurated the exhibition "Mother Cabrini and the Pilgrim Angels" curated by master Meo Carbone, a prominent figure in the Italian Community of Chicago. C...

At the Italian House of Representatives, thanks to the work of the Hon. Di Sanzo, elected in North and Central America, the exhibition "Mother Cabrini and the Pilgrim Angels," concerning the figure of St. Francesca Cabrini in the history of Italian emigration, especially in the United States, will be set up in the Cenacolo Room at the Vicolo Valdin...