Yesterday at the Italian Cultural Institute, was the official unveiling of the Treasures from Naples' Teatro di San Carlo, a stunning collection of rare stage costumes, jewels, tapestries, and other treasures, whose provenance spans the last 250 years of Teatro di San Carlo's rich history. The auction of these items at the June 15th Gala Dinner and...

Fra simboli esoterici, epifanie massoniche e luoghi pieni di fascino e mistero, l'Italia è piena di luoghi 'stregati'! Beh, non proprio stregati, ma legati a leggende o piccole curiosità, che magari non conoscete ancora. Se siete curiosi di fare un salto nell'Italia più "occulta" e scoprire piccoli misteri e storie affascinanti, preparate la valigi...

The Royal Palace in Caserta opens its historic apartments to host Secret Vanvitelli: His Painters from Conca to Giaquinto (La Cathedra Petri) until October 31st.   The exposition sheds light on Luigi Vanvitelli the painter, and Vanvitelli the artist-inventor of decorative art, while at the same time looking at works by some of his most estee...

Dolls are often sad. The people working in the Doll Hospital in Naples know it well: day in and day out, "doctors" here diagnose young and old patients made in wood, papier-mâché, porcelain and plastic. Along these crowded hallways, working-class puppets and aristocratic 'pupi' are all treated the same, and precious Lenci ceramic dolls receive the...

Nuova soddisfazione per Napoli. La Stazione Metro Toledo ha infatti vinto nelle scorse ore il premio della "International Tunnelling Association" nella categoria "innovative use of underground spaces". Si tratta di un riconoscimento importantissimo a livello internazionale​: l​'Oscar delle opere in sotterraneo nella categoria​ ​"Uso Innovativo...

On Friday, May 16, 2014, California Science Center Discovery Ball guests will experience an ancient city at the height of the Roman Empire as they preview the west coast premiere of Pompeii: The Exhibition. Gala attendees will be the first Science Center guests to see more than 150 artifacts from the unparalleled collection of the Naples National A...

by Kerry-Lynne Demarinis   Meeting Chef Renato Solpietro for the first time is a happy experience. He is passionate about life in general and Italian culture and cooking in particular. His wife, Adrienne Davis is just as outgoing - picture a glass jar full of swirling fireflies and you have a good image of the exuberance and joy that emanate...

Coffee is a key part of the Italian culture, but instead of simply spending your trip sipping cappuccini on terraces, why not get a taste for life on the other side of the bar? Florence's Espresso Academyoffers a range of courses including basic, intensive and café latte art, while the Terzi Coffee School in Emilia Romagna offers intimate workshops...

The Italians are claiming New York City's mayor-elect as their own.The town of Benevento in Southern Italy — where de Blasio's maternal grandfather was born — voted unanimously over the weekend to name the mayor-elect an "honorary citizen." The town council of Benevento, about 30 miles northeast of Naples, adopted a resolution calling de Blasio "a...

Rome has a lot to offer, but if you're looking for variety or simply want a break away from the city, there's a treasure trove of towns within easy reach.   Whether it's for an afternoon trip or a long weekend, Lazio and its neighbouring regions – Umbria, Toscana and Campania – offer an abundance of places that are rich in beauty, character...