With more than 5.5 million articles, Wikipedia is an invaluable resource, whether you’re throwing a term paper together at the last minute or trying to find that 15-minute window when a pear is neither rock-hard nor complete mush. We explore some of Wikipedia’s oddities in our 5,502,304-week series, Wiki Wormhole. This week’s entry: Giallo What it’...

Seeking a dry, crisp and savory wine that pairs with just about any dish on the planet and makes an excellent apéritif? Look for Lambrusco. Yes, Lambrusco. Once known as the cheap, cheerful and fizzy plonk served with ice cubes, today’s top Lambruscos are a far cry from the industrially made, cloyingly sweet versions that flooded U.S. shelves in th...

Laura Ronca is one of the leading wine professionals working in Italian wine today. She travels all over the world as an ambassador for the many top brands that she represents. And lucky for us, her travels bring her to Texas every year. We recently caught up with Laura (despite her demanding schedule!) and asked her to share some of her experience...

“Do you feel Fico? (Cool)” This is the question posed at Fico Eataly World’s website. Trenitalia and Fico Eataly World (FEW) are partners in an enterprise that from November 15 will present to its visitors the marvels of the largest agro-food park in the world. The park, located in Bologna, Italy, is over 100,000 square meters and offers free entry...

When: Monday, November 13, 2017 From 6:00 pm To 8:00 pm - Where: Embassy of Italy On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, join us for the world premiere of the documentary "La Pizza, il cuore di Napoli" presented by director Luca Verdone. The screening will be followed by a pizza tasting. Pizza is a Neapolitan celebratio...

It’s easy to get lost wandering the maze of charming streets in Genoa, but your biggest challenge will be navigating the mouthwatering cuisine of this splendorous city in Northwest Italy. We all know (and love) pizza, pasta and gelato, and, of course, Italy is, the place to sample those heavenly delights, but the region has much more to offer. Whet...

Oggi, la deputata Fucsia FitzGerald Nissoli (coordinatrice Forza Italia in Nord e Centro America), è intervenuta, per un saluto introduttivo, alla conferenza realizzata nell’ambito del Festival della Diplomazia dal titolo “Made in Italy: Contraffazione, contrabbando, tracciabilità e protezionismo”. Nissoli, nel suo saluto, ha sottolineato “l’import...

Before Fiat married Chrysler it was just Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, but most people probably would have told you it stood for this: “Fix It Again, Tony.” My dad took this as a personal challenge and adopted a 1979 Spider 2000 in the ’90s. The car’s still in the family. Actually, it practically raised me. Listen, the Mazda Miata wasn’t alw...

Around 35% of fresh-produce purchases in Italy are still made from specialist stores and stallholders – a figure that rises to 51% in the south of the country, according to research from Bain & Company. Supermarket chains have not yet been able to capture this €16 billion-valued business, as butchers, grocers, fishmongers, bakeries and street marke...

The minute you tell an Italian that you met the actual Giovanni Rana, his or her face will light up as though you just said you had coffee with Santa Claus and thereby confirmed that he is, in fact, real. Everywhere you go in Italy, you are greeted by the warm presence of the famous fresh pasta-maker. The 79-year-old’s caring smile is on giant bill...