Bologna, nicknamed la grassa—“the fat one”—for its wealth and edible delicacies, is located in Italy’s Emilia Romagna region, thebirthplace of tortellini, Parmesan, prosciutto, and balsamic vinegar. Foodies have long hopped on the two-hour train from Rome to hunt down the flavors nestled in the picturesque city and nearby hillside villages. But now...

The market for Italian organic food and drinks is currently worth €4.9 billion, with sales set to increase by 12% in 2017, reports La Repubblica. Of this total, €3 billion are sales achieved in Italy, and the remaining €1.9 billion comes from exports to foreign markets. Italy is the leading organic market in Europe, and the second largest in the wo...

There is prosciutto, and then there is culatello. To connoisseurs, the latter — cured from a solid chunk of leg, not the whole leg like standard prosciutto — is the variety worth seeking now that the Department of Agriculture has approved for import the culatello di Zibello made near Parma by the Negroni company. For culatello, the meat of black ne...

We get it. With more than 350 official wine varieties and 20 different wine-producing regions, the world of Italian wine can be confusing and overwhelming. But before you make a beeline straight for Tuscany, it’s worth learning what else is out there besides Chianti and Brunello. To help, we’ve put together a guide to Italy’s essential wine regions...

Italian producers are amongst the ones better understanding the new global trends of the food and beverage industry. Let’s see why, by using some of the categories provided by Innova Market Insight, a leading international research institute: 1) Clean supreme: the new international standard is to buy food with ‘clean and clear’ labels. Producers al...

Il filo che lega il Belpaese agli Stai Uniti d’America è andato via via rafforzandosi con il passare dei decenni. Durante il flusso migratorio iniziato nella seconda metà del 1800, molti italiani misero radici, più o meno stabili, per tentare la fortuna vivendo il “Sogno Americano”. Non tutti ebbero successo, molti fecero anche ritorno in Italia, m...

American consumers have learned to appreciate the world renown quality of authentic Italian food, which has become the largest international presence at the PLMA show, the largest North American trade event dedicated to the store brand industry. Anthony Aloia, Vice President of the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), which organizes the...

You’ve probably seen amari, from big brands like Campari and Averna to artisanal bottles made in Brooklyn, prettily lining the back bar at your favorite Italian restaurant or assertively flavoring drinks on high-end cocktail menus. It seems like every bartender and lifestyle magazine, is obsessed with blending the bitter, sweet and herbal flavors t...

Giordano Mozzi is one of the most decorated Italian drivers in history, the winningest competitor alive in the famous 1,000-mile “Mille Miglia” rally in his home country. Last week, he flew to New Orleans to add to his list of accolades: leading a line of more than 40 cars in the first “CentoMiglia” rally on U.S. soil on Saturday. And he did it in...

The story of Renzo Rosso – the man behind the Diesel brand – is so inspirational and unique that could easily make a great subject for a screenplay. Not only he managed to rise from rags to riches but also started a revolution that changed forever the way the world thinks of and buys jeans.