The World Week of Italian Cuisine reaches its second edition with the aim of promoting Italian culinary traditions and food-and-wine connoisseurship as a distinctive trait of Italian identity and culture. In the USA the second edition will take place from November 13 to November 19, 2017 under the sign of quality, sustainability, culture, food secu...

When: Thursday, November 16, 2017 From 6:30 pm To 9:00 pm - Where: Embassy of Italy, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW , Washington, DC 20008 - Organized by : Regione Sicilia, Embassy of Italy, IIC Washington - Entrance: Free On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, join us for a virtual culinary tour of Italy as we present Disco...

When: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 From 6:30 pm To 8:30 pm - Where: Intercultural Center Auditorium, Georgetown University, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057 - Organized by : Georgetown Italian Research Institute - Entrance : Free On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, the Georgetown University Italian Research...

When: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 From 6:00 pm To 8:00 pm - Where: Embassy of Italy - Organized by : Embassy of Italy, IIC Washington - Entrance : Free On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, join us for a conversation with Fabrizia Lanza, food scholar and owner of the acclaimed Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School (Regaleali,...

L’Ambasciata italiana di Washington ospita anche quest’anno, il 7 e l’8 novembre, l’annual event di ISSNAF, la fondazione degli uomini e delle donne di scienza italiani che lavorano e studiano in Nord America. Due giorni di tavole rotonde e incontri con i protagonisti della ricerca e dell’impresa, che culminano nelle premiazioni degli ISSNAF Awards...

Essere abilitati alla professione medica sia in Italia sia negli Stati Uniti non è da tutti. Fabiana Perna è nata a Napoli nel 1980, dove si è laureata in medicina all’Università Federico II e ha cominciato la specializzazione in ematologia. Ora "top ricercatrice" campana è in finale agli Issnaf Award, il riconoscimento messo in palio dalla fondazi...

When: Monday, November 13, 2017 From 6:00 pm To 8:00 pm - Where: Embassy of Italy On the occasion of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, join us for the world premiere of the documentary "La Pizza, il cuore di Napoli" presented by director Luca Verdone. The screening will be followed by a pizza tasting. Pizza is a Neapolitan celebratio...

On October 18 an award ceremony was held at the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC to honor the winners of a video contest organized by the Embassy on the occasion of the 17th week of the Italian Language in the world. Minister Catherine Flumiani announced the two winning videos: “Tiramisù” for the Rose L. Hardy Middle School in Washington, DC and “...

November 7th-8th 2017, Embassy of Italy, Washington DC - SCIENCE & THE NEW INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: INDUSTRY 4.0. Disruptive Changes: the Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Research, Science, Academia, and on our daily lives The theme of this year is Science & the New Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0: the meaning of the fourth industrial r...

To mark Columbus Day, the Italian American community gathers in many cities around the US to celebrate its achievements and its contribution to this great country in all sectors — be it political, economic, cultural, scientific and beyond. President Donald Trump’s first Columbus Day proclamation highlighted the strong bonds of friendship between It...