To mark the International Anti-Corruption Day, the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC organized an Italian Business Integrity Day to illustrate the tools adopted by companies to prevent illegal behavior based on international and Italian laws, but also to promote the image of Italy and its legal and economic systems. The initiative is part of the pr...

When:Tuesday, January 30, 2018 From 6:00 pm To 11:24 am - Where: Embassy of Italy, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008 However you want to call it, nobody else is doing it quite like him. Paolo Angeli, the Sardinian sorcerer, manually crafts beautiful, multi-layered music from his unique designed guitar: a hybrid orchestra built in a si...

When:Wednesday, December 13, 2017 From 6:30 pm To 8:00 pm - Where: Embassy of Italy, 3000 Whitehaven Street NW , Washington, DC 20008 The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute cordially invite you to the closing Conference of the celebrations dedicated to Enrico Fermi and held in Washington DC. Dr. Enrico Flamini, Chief Scientist at t...

Gala dei record: difficile definire in altro modo il XII Transatlantic Award Gala Dinner, la tradizionale cena di gala che ogni anno viene organizzata dalla American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, un appuntamento ormai fisso per la business community americana in Italia e non solo che si è svolto a Milano. 800 persone hanno affollato gli East End St...

Il 6 dicembre 1907, 361 uomini, fra cui oltre 170 italiani, furono vittime del più grave incidente minerario occorso negli Stati Uniti e della storia dell’emigrazione italiana, verificatosi nella miniera di Monongah (West Virginia). La maggior parte degli immigrati dall’Italia proveniva dall’Abruzzo, dalla Calabria e dal Molise.  In occasione del 1...

You do not know what beauty is if you have not been here," Mark Twain famously wrote about Hartford in 1868. Visiting the capital of the Constitution State 150 years later, as the ambassador of Italy to the United States, I can see why one of America's greatest writers, whose novels have been read all over the world, was moved by the beauty of this...

Quintino Cianfaglione came to Hartford from his native Abruzzo, Italy as a confident and headstrong 20-year-old searching for the American dream. Fifty years later, on a day he called “one of the most important” of his life, he said the dream had finally come true. Cianfaglione was officially sworn in Tuesday as the honorary consul of Italy in Conn...

Il Ten. Col. Gianfranco Paglia, in qualità di rappresentante del Ministro della Difesa per la valorizzazione del personale militare affetto da disabilità per incidenti subiti nell’adempimento del proprio dovere ed in servizio, partecipa all’evento Wounded  Warriors, in programma dal 17 al 21 novembre, organizzato per la seconda volta dall’Ambasciat...

Street Food Fest sbarca  a Washington, grande successo per l’evento di degustazione che si è tenuto ieri sera presso l’ Ambasciata italiana negli Stati Uniti nell’ambito della settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo. L’ iniziativa è stata promossa dal ministero degli Affari Esteri e dal Mipaaf, ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e fore...

Angela Bononi, a University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center thoracic oncology postdoctoral fellow, was one of five recipients of the prestigious 2017 Italian Scientists and Scholars of North America Foundation (ISSNAF) Awards presented at the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C. “There are no words, neither in English nor in Italian, to express how much wi...