Come da tradizione, la ricorrenza della Festa della Repubblica italiana a San Francisco si è celebrata in concomitanza con l'evento "Italian Opera Day at the Park", appuntamento annuale presentato in cooperazione con l'Italian American Community Services Agency, il coordinatore del programma Maria Fassio Pignati e i Simi Cantori.   L'evento...

Dopo il successo dell'iniziativa di giugno a NYC, AmCham organizza una nuova missione di business nella West Coast degli USA. Dal 2 all'8 novembre vi invitiamo a scoprire con noi San Francisco e la Silicon Valley. Il viaggio sarà l'occasione per conoscere e condividere i processi, i prodotti e i sistemi più innovativi delle aziende che hanno segnat...

di Mauro Battocchi Se desiderate sposarvi presso un Consolato italiano la prima cosa da fare e' la cosiddetta "istanza celebrazione matrimonio consolare". E' un documento che dovrete sottoscrivere entrambi, e che dovrete presentare di persona all'ufficio consolare, oppure inviare per posta, fax o email con allegata la fotocopia dei vostri document...

Costruire un ponte tra l'eccellenza del Made in Italy nel creare bellezza e la capacità industriale e tecnologia della Silicon Valley. È questo il fulcro del progetto Making in Italy-Making in Usa: Artisanship, Technology and Design. Innovating with Beauty, che si terrà dall'11 al 24 giugno a San Francisco nell'ambito dell'Anno della Cultura Italia...

by Mauro Battocchi   As we watch 2013 edge to a close, let's take a look back at the outstanding events that brought many dimensions of Italy's rich culture to the Bay as part of the 2013 Year of Italian Culture.   We've been truly graced to have such a delightful schedule of engagements and I offer my heartfelt thanks to all who made...

On May 4th at 4:00PM at the Museo Italo Americano, we will come together to focus on the importance of adding a Latin-rooted language — Italian — to your language skills. Above all, learning a language is beneficial to your outlook on life and gives you a new perspective from which to view and understand the world.

The San Francisco chapter of Boys' & Girls' Towns of Italy (BGTI) is a non-profit organization that empowers war refugees, migrants and at-risk youth living on the streets of Italy. The BGTI held its 50th Annual Fashion Show and Luncheon on Monday, November 30th at The Fairmont Hotel.

by Mauro Battocchi   On May 16th, communities across the world will come together and celebrate fresh food, the joy of cooking, healthy eating, and enjoy hearty meals together. The movement is called Food Revolution Day and it was started by star chef Jamie Oliver, who espouses the same Slow Food ideals that Italy is famous for.   Thi...

by Nickolas Marinelli   For many years, the most coveted invitation in the Italian Community of San Francisco had been for the annual celebration of the Festa della Repubblica Italiana, held at the Italian Consulate. Being on "the list" was considered a great honor, and for many, the only chance they would have to see the inside of the Itali...

by Mauro Battocchi   You are invited to an event on Thursday, January 14, 2016 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM (PST) at Squire Patton Boggs (275 Battery Street, Suite 2600 San Francisco, CA 94111) presented by the Italian Consulate General in San Francisco and BAIA that will address how the digital revolution is disrupting manufacturing and pro...