2016 Ambasciatore Awards Ceremony and Dinner. ** Submit a Nominee by November 30, 2015 ** Honoring Outstanding Italian American Leaders and their Italian American Organizations. Sunday, January 24, 2016 - Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, NY. The Italian American Museum will host the Long Island Ambasciatore Awards on Sund...

Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa and the Italian American Museum We are proud to announce In Co-Sponsorship With Arthur Piccolo Cordially invite you to "An Italian American Christmas in New York" - Wednesday, December 18, 11AM - 8PM.   Please join us anytime during the day to celebrate the Christmas Season. A new Italian tradition continues following a...

di Giovanni Iovacchini Dopo quasi un secolo e molte vicende e viaggi, la famosa Madonna in trono di Pietranico, il giorno 30 luglio, ritornerà in paese per essere collocata nella chiesa di S. Rocco.   L'opera è una terracotta abruzzese del XVI secolo, riferibile all'ambito di Saturnino Gatti, simile nella postura a molte altre raffigurazion...

December 5 (Friday) 7:30 pmLecture: The Italian American Museum in New York CityDr.Joseph V. Scelsa, Founder and President, will discuss the history of the museum, initializing and establishing the museum, and where he is taking the museum in the future. Refreshments will be served. Please call for further information. Sponsored by The Italian Ame...

In occasione della mostra "Velázquez's Portrait of Francesco I d'Este, A Masterpiece from the Galleria Estense, Modena", che verrà inaugurate domain al Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, Stefano Casciu e Davide Gasparotto terranno una conferenza all'Italian American Museum giovedì prossimo, 18 aprile, dalle 18.30. Casciu – soprintendente per...

Dear Members and Friends, I am pleased to share with you a unique opportunity to experience the "Black Madonna" with Alessandra Belloni in Italy this August. As you know, Alessandra is an expert on the Black Madonna and has devoted much of her career to spreading Her meaning and message through dance and song as well as lectures and performances....

L'Italian American Museum di New York (Mulberry street 155) ospiterà il 1° agosto alle ore 18.30 il duo musicale di fisarmonicisti formato da Dominic Karcic e Ray Oreggia per una performance dedicata alla musica "Valtaro Musette".   I due da tempo si esibiscono e presentano questo tipo di tradizione musicale, rivolgendosi in particolare ad a...

Presented by Salvatore J. Turchio, M.S.Ed., State Historian - Grand Lodge of New Jersey  - Order Sons of Italy in America. You are cordially invited to attend an interactive PowerPoint presentation on the life and legacy of Frank Sinatra, and the cultural impact of his music, philanthropy, social activism, and patrioti...

Live Theater at the Italian American Museum in NYC continues with WOMEN! on Saturday September 27th at 7.30 PM and Sunday September 28th at 6.00 PM. The Italian American Museum NYC is located at 155 Mulberry Street (Corners of Mulberry & Grand Streets) New York, NY 10013. Suggested donation $20.   An extraordinary soiree that showcases f...

Si terrà il 20 giugno alle 18.30pm presso l'Italian American Museum a New York la presentazione di "A Bit of Myself" scritto da Filomena Abys-Smith.   Il volume è una raccolta di memorie dedicate ai figli della scrittrice, al fine di tramandare loro radici e conoscenza degli avi la cui passione per la vita li ha aiutati a diventare una famig...