When driving through the Italian countryside near where the region of Lazio meets the region of Campania, it is impossible to miss the beautifully imposing structure of the Monastery of Monte Cassino gracing the skyline. What you might not know when looking at this architectural masterpiece is that it houses a masterpiece of a different kind. Over...

If any language proves that there’s room at the linguistic table for everyone… it’s Italian! This week, we continue our examination of the languages of Italy as we take a closer look at her many Regional Languages and Dialects, including the unique blend of Italian and English spoken by Italian Americans through the generations. We’ll discuss the s...

It’s often said that language is the living history of a people, and the Italian language has had a very exciting life! In this week’s episode, we dive into the history of the Italian language, from its Latin roots to its standardization straight through to its evolution into the languages of Italy’s 100 million person diaspora.  Our team also disc...

Welcome back to our tour of Italy. This time we are landing in Tuscany, the beautiful hilly region famous for its charming hills and bucolic landscapes. But if you ask me, it’s for its absolutely lovely way of speaking and accent. As I told you a long long time ago, when I first introduced the Italian language to you, Italian comes from the Tuscan...

The Commission for Language and Culture of COMITES is happy to announce the opening of the call for Maria Manetti Shrem Grants 2020. Students who take the AP Italian Exam 2020 and score 3 or higher will be awarded with prizes from 50 to 100$. This initiative is possible thanks to the generosity of Ms. Maria Manetti Shrem, a stellar lover of Arts an...

Founded in Rome in 1889 by the famous poet Giosue Carducci, the Dante Alighieri Society has promoted and encouraged Italian language, literature, and all aspects of Italian culture including, art, music, film, history, and design for the past 130 years.  The society was named for Italy’s greatest writer, Dante Alighieri, author of The Divine Comedy...

Application for the Eduitalia Scholarships 2020 are now open and available on the website of the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC by clicking on the Eduitalia logo placed on our homepage. Applications are open to students who will take the Italian AP exam 2020. A total of 23 grants will be awarded. The grants will cover accommodation in Italy for...

Incontro Massimo Veccia al Row Hotel, non molto lontano da Times Square. Al bar della hall c’è un po’ di confusione. Un suo amico passa a salutarlo. “Pensa – mi dice Massimo – oggi è diventato cittadino americano. Ed è anche il suo compleanno!” Ordiniamo da bere e brindiamo in suo onore, poi ci spostiamo in una saletta poco distante, ma decisamente...

The promotion of the Italian language in the US and the training of Italian teachers at all levels is one of the Embassy of Italy’s main priorities. On March 21, 2020 (8.30am to 4.30pm ET), the Embassy in Washington DC hosts a 0ne-day training workshop: "We learn, examine and integrate the strategies of the AP Italian course in our curriculum." It...

Starting its very first class in January 2020, La Scuola dei Piccoli is one of the few realities in Redwood City and San Mateo County with the goal of teaching the Italian Language and Italian Culture to K-5 students through fun activities, play, and more traditional lessons. As we are ramping up our efforts, we are looking for someone to help us t...