If you like the Walks of Italy Blog you’ll love our expert-guided walking tours of the most jaw-dropping attractions in Italy. Learn just a handful of Italian words and phrases… and you can transform your trip to Italy! That’s because, while English is common in Italy’s larger cities and tourist destinations (including hotspots like Florence, Rome,...

What am I saying? Isn’t this column supposed to be about Italian? Well, yes, but it’s also about Italy’s famous dialects, and today we are going to learn about one that maybe is not so famous: the “language” that is spoken in the region Valle d’Aosta, at the very north-west of Italy. What is it? Well, it’s kind of a complicated answer so let’s take...

Leaving home is never easy. When that journey means saying goodbye to your "terra madre" — or loosely translated, motherland — crossing the Atlantic and settling into an area that is just as foreign to you as the language, “difficult” doesn't even begin to cover it. Take it from Vita Maria Mesnick. With her Italian heritage and love of teaching per...

If you have lived in cities with an ethnic population that arrived from the mid-1800’s to early 1900’s then you have encountered the Italian language and culture. Industries heavily populated by Italian immigrants include stone masonry (the Lincoln Memorial was carved by the Piccirilli Brothers), canal construction, agriculture, the arts, and natur...

The Department of French and Italian in the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at The University of Iowa seeks a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian for the 2018-19 academic year. The successful candidate will be prepared to teach introductory and intermediate language courses as well as literary and cultural surve...

People who’ve lived in the Gig Harbor area for any length of time — especially those who were students at Peninsula High School or Marcus Whitman Junior High between 1982 and 2010 — know about Paul Spadoni. He was the journalism teacher and advisor to PHS’s student newspaper, “Peninsula Outlook” and under his leadership, the paper was inducted into...

L'insegnamento della lingua italiana iniziò nel 1950 quando Inez Lucchetti, Faliero Lucaccini e Maria Marchesi istituirono le prime classi d'italiano per bambini figli di emigrati che vivevano nella Città di Stockton e dintorni, dove gli italiani avevano fatto fortuna coltivando la fertile terra della vallata di San Joaquin. Nel 1974 queste classi...

It's known as the language of love, but many expats and students struggle with the peculiarities of Italian. The good news is that if you relate to most of the items on this list, you're not far off fluency.  They say a picture paints a thousand words, but a combination of a drawn out ‘boh’ (a way of expressing 'what do I know?') or ‘dai’ ('come on...

Learn Italy Usa lancia un nuovo progetto che avvicina le nuove generazioni dei due lati dell’Atlantico. Come ha annunciato il suo presidente Massimo Veccia, nei prossimi mesi verranno conferite 5 borse di studio totali e 10 parziali a giovani per il corso di alta specializzazione “Made In & By Italy”, che per la prima volta sarà aperto congiuntamen...

«Prendo o carro e vado a fare un bisinisse». La parlata dei «bravi ragazzi» di Broccolino immortalati dai film di Scorsese e Coppola è ormai entrata nell’immaginario collettivo. Ma non c’erano solo loro. Quanti italiani sono emigrati ovunque nel mondo nel secolo scorso? Solo nel 1916, anno-record, fecero le valigie 872.598 italiani (dati Istat). E...