Join us on May 21st at the DIA's Detroit Film Theatre as we celebrate Italian cinema and the Italian film industry! Starting at 4:30 pm, two contemporary Italian films, will be screened in the context of the second edition of #FareCinema (Making Cinema), an initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation...

The Embassy of Italy and the diplomatic-consular network in the USA commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the centenary of Primo Levi’s birth, throughout the country, starting in the Capital. Ambassador Armando Varricchio underlined the leading role played by Italy in the defense of human rights and in the fight against racism,...

Interesting lecture by Professor Gabriele Boccaccini on the life of Luigi Ferri. The conference - Luigi Ferri: The Survival of a 12-year-old Italian Child at Auschwitz - at the University of Michigan was organized to mark the 2019 Holocaust Remembrance Day in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan, the Italian Cultural Institute...

Da Nuoro a Detroit, passando per Perugia, Roma e Tokyo. E già pronta, per l’ennesima volta, a ripartire. Ha stregato studenti e studentesse dell’università di Sassari, Maria Manca, 36 anni e una carriera diplomatica già avviata, coronata il 16 marzo del 2017 dalla nomina a Console d’Italia a Detroit, responsabile per gli stati dell’Indiana, Kentuck...

This step-by-step guide will help you determine if you are eligible to apply for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, that is, by descent. However, please note that the outcome of this guide is not a guarantee that you will be recognized as an Italian citizen and you will still need to submit a complete application. Also, note that in order to be re...

Si sono concluse domenica 7 ottobre con un Gala Banquet presso l'Italian American Cultural Society (IACS) a Clinton Township, una delle città residenziali dell'area metropolitana di Detroit, le manifestazioni del Columbus Day 2018 programmate dal Committee Celebration presieduto da Tony Vivona. Gremitissima di ospiti, oltre cinquecento, l'ampia Sal...

Dal 26 settembre al 18 ottobre 2018 un intenso programma d’incontri con le comunità italiane in Michigan attende Goffredo Palmerini, infaticabile ambasciatore d’Abruzzo nel mondo. Nell’area metropolitana di Detroit è molto significativa anche la presenza degli abruzzesi, organizzati in diversi Club e nella Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan (FADM)...

Please be informed that a consular representative will be in Nashville, TN for the acquisition of fingerprints and collection of Italian passport applications on September 19, 2018. Residents of Tennessee registered in this Consulate and registered in the AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad) will be able to have their fingerprints taken for...

The Consulate of Italy in Detroit informs that appointments with the Citizenship (applications though descent), Passport, and Visa offices can be booked on our Online Booking System. Booking an appointment is free of charge. The system is set daily to book appointments in the coming months. In order to book an appointment you need to create a perso...

When he set out to help remember and memorialize the Italian immigrant victims of the Wreck of the Wabash, Jim Berryman said he didn’t do it for any recognition. For him and everyone else involved, it was about remembering the victims. He said as much during the 2016 ceremony at Oakwood Cemetery in Adrian to mark and pay tribute to the previously u...