Congratulations to Simone Mori MD, working at Conti Lab at Scripps in San Diego and ISSNAF affiliate who won with his Immuno-Oncology team the Merck Biopharma Innovation Cup proposing a new molecule that direct the immune system against cancer! Bio: A native of Italy, Simone Mori graduated in medicine at the Polytechnic University of Marche, in Anc...

The recovery in southern Italy is continuing, driven by business. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.9% in 2016, after +1% in 2015: moderate growth that should continue also in the first part of 2017. And it is industry in the strict sense which is fueling this trend: its value added rose in 2016 by 3.4%: two points higher than the Italian average...

#ItaliaIn è la nuova campagna di comunicazione sui canali social della Farnesina, interamente dedicata alle attività delle nostre Ambasciate e Consolati. Un percorso che, tappa dopo tappa, farà conoscere da vicino a chi segue la diplomazia italiana il lavoro svolto quotidianamente dalla rete diplomatico-consolare a difesa degli interessi e dei valo...

Dozens of Italian firms are returning production back home, according to the result of a research by an Italian inter-university research group focused on reshoring strategies. These companies are reshoring production centres that had been outsourced to China or to other countries from the Far East, and among them are well-known brands, such as lea...

A team including Stanford researchers created a new digital archive to study Rome’s transformation over the centuries. The exhibit, which went online in the spring, consists of almost 4,000 digitized drawings, prints, photographs and sketches of historic Rome from the 16th to 20th centuries. The pieces were collected by renowned Roman archaeologist...

The Italian Industry 4.0 market increased by 25% in the 2016, even though its real potential is still to be defined. This is the main finding of the research of the Industry 4.0 Observatory of Polytechnical School of Milan presented yesterday in Milan. 1,7 billion euro – this is the value of the Italian market of IT solutions, technological compone...

Businessman Fabio De Furia is the new president of the Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC), unanimously elected today by the Shareholders’ Assembly. The Board of Directors will be composed of Dr. Alessia Fornoni, Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Katz Family Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and Director of the Peggy and Harold Katz...

We often hear about the constant efforts by Italy’s regulatory bodies to safeguard our authentic “Made in Italy” merchandise mark. A lot of times, however, the best solutions are the ones developed by young start-up companies, like the Sardinian Autentico, that employs “Near Field Communication” (NFC) technology to prevent Italian products’ counter...

ISSNAF, the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation, and Intesa Sanpaolo, the leading banking group in Italy and one of the top banking groups in the Euro zone, strongly believe in the fundamental importance of re-thinking how our global economy works and of re-designing the way stuff is made. To do so, the two Institutions are...

Italy is a world-leading creative manufacturing powerhouse, and we are strongly committed in gathering the best talents and resources in the world to foster its vision and leadership. After 4 four years of educational and corporate innovation programs, we have decided to map and open the Italian high-end manufacturing know-how to select, invest in...