Gli instagramers di tutta Italia e non solo si riuniranno per la prima volta in Sicilia. Come ogni anno, IgersItalia (la community che raduna gli amanti del social network delle foto) organizza un meeting ufficiale di tre giorni che si terrà a Catania e Siracusa, dal 29 settembre al 1 ottobre.   Le vie delle due città (e molti siti d’interesse nell...

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has instituted the second annual Award for Italian researchers and startuppers operating abroad. The award includes two categories: The “Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Award" to recognize an eminent Italian scientist who, in performing his/her research abroad, has made...

Le storie belle e di successo a volte esistono. Anche in Italia e anche se difficilmente se ne sente parlare. E questa è sicuramente una storia importante da raccontare. Perché il nostro Paese è pieno di cervelli in fuga, ma per fortuna ogni tanto qualcuno di questi cervelli ha anche l’opportunità di ritornare in patria. È quanto è accaduto ad un g...

A little after 2 p.m. on an impossibly muggy summer day in June, I squeeze my sweaty, 6-foot-1-inch body into the passenger seat of Antonio Puliafito's shiny black Maserati. As excited as I am about speeding along the Italian coast in a luxury convertible, Puliafito isn't showing off what his nifty '90s-era, 6-cylinder Italian sports car can do. He...

Forest City New York today announced that Ferrero International S.A., the Italian confectionary group and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of chocolates, will take space at The Bridge at Cornell Tech. The Bridge is a first-of-its-kind building that will house an extraordinary mix of cutting-edge companies working alongside groundbreaking Co...

Scientific innovation or inventions may not be the first thing coming to mind in relation to the Bel Paese. No offense to the many Italian scientists, from Trotula to Galileo, all the way to Rita Levi Montalcini, Margherita Hack and Renato Dulbecco, who changed the game in their disciplines throughout the centuries, but when thinking about Italian...

“Ho vissuto in Italia fino quando avevo nove anni e ora purtroppo l’italiano lo capisco ma non lo parlo bene”. Niccolo De Masi, la “o” accentata si è persa per strada, lo racconta al telefono mentre si sta recando a lavoro a Palo Alto in California. Doppio passaporto, 36 anni, ha già una lunga esperienza di Silicon Valley. E’ il presidente di quell...

From fashion to energy - the rind and seeds of Sicily's most famous citrus fruit, the humble orange, are being used in a range of greener, healthier business initiatives. In 2011, Adriana Santonocito was a design student in Milan when she first had the idea of making sustainable textiles from what was naturally abundant, and widely wasted, in her n...

In a time when the job market is extremely difficult to stabilise, many young talented Italians have decided to become entrepreneurs, a launching ground-breaking innovations. The American magazine Forbes has recently spotted some Italian new innovative companies that are performing extremely well on the market. Among them, MusiXmatch, an app create...

Alberto Bombassei made at least two major moves as chief of Brembo SpA that helped land him in the U.S. Automotive Hall of Fame last week. He made an eyebrow-raising bet in sticking with brakes for thirsty performance vehicles for the U.S. market even in the face of $4-a-gallon gasoline and the Great Recession.  And the long-time chairman of the It...