When: Saturday, October 21, 2017 From 8:00 am To 7:00 pm -  Where: Department of Italian, Georgetown University, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057 Join us on October 21, at Georgetown University, for the third iteration of the Italian Language and Culture Conference which this year focuses the discussion on pedagogical innovations to increa...

Please join us for Every Child, a workshop on Early Childhood Education organized by the Italian Language and Culture Committee of Com.it.es of San Francisco, in collaboration with theItalian Society at Berkeley and Early Days Autism Center in Sacramento. Where: Ann Head Alumnae Hall, 2537 Haste St, Berkeley, CA 94720. When: Saturday October 7th, 8...

When people think of Columbus Day, the general consensus among most teenagers is that it’s a day that seems to blissfully free students from school. The actual holiday doesn’t have a lot of tradition: Americans don’t have parties to celebrate it, and there aren’t certain customs that define the day. It’s just meant to revive the memory of the era o...

In occasione del Columbus Day 2017, l’associazione MamApulia, in collaborazione con l AIAE - The Association of Italian American Educators, lancerà un gioco multimediale che vede come protagonista Cristoforo Colombo, il più famoso navigatore della storia. Il percorso ludico-educativo è rivolto a bambini che studiano l'italiano come seconda lingua n...

Chiunque mi conosca ve lo può confermare (credo) senza alcuna difficoltà: non sono mai stato un grande appassionato di sport. E non lo so nemmeno adesso, che la giovinezza ormai l'ho abbandonata... forse da poco, è vero, ma comunque l'ho fatto. Nonostante tutto, però, lo sport e i suoi personaggi e le sue dinamiche e il suo influenzare e farsi infl...

Tutti i bambini della scuola Montessori di Macerata in fila per dare il benvenuto a Joan Marchi Migliori, italoamericana che ha consegnato 10mila dollari all’istituto di via Don Bosco. All’arrivo della donna, originaria di Lucca, hanno cantato gli inni nazionali dell’Italia e degli U.S.A. sventolando le bandierine dei due paesi legati da una fortis...

On Saturday, September 23, a group of Italian language teachers of Michigan and Ohio schools and universities took part to Prof. Roberto Tartaglione's workshop. The linguist Roberto Tartaglione is the creator of the portal ScudIta (http://www.scudit.net/mdindice.htm), a useful resource for teachers of Italian language, and the author of numerous gr...

The Department of Romance Studies is hosting a film screening series called “Fear Friday with Dario Argento” every Friday until Oct. 30 in the Media Resources Center of the Undergraduate Library. Each screening will feature a movie by Italian horror director Dario Argento, with the last screening featuring John Carpenter’s “Halloween.” Assistant Ar...

Shortly after Lorenzo D’Angelo took a leap of faith and left his native Rome, Italy, to enroll at Coastal Carolina, he realized the football being played at the Division I college football level was vastly different than what was being played in his young adult league back home. “Once I got here I understood this level is not what I was used to,” D...

Before leaving for the United States, Laura Oppedisano made a promise to herself. “I have to be brave,” she said. “I always wanted to travel the world.” Oppedisano left her home in Bergamo, Italy, a few weeks ago eager for new experiences in a foreign country. She admits it’s a bit scary, but Oppedisano has enjoyed her time so far as an exchange st...