Help us complete the documentary. Premieres: November 14th, 2015 - New York. Fundraising deadline: October 15th, 2015   "The Barese Icemen of New York" follows the story of the Apulia (Italy) emigrants who landed in the United State with nothing, and yet from the 1920's to the 1960's, these people dominated the ice business in...

Chicago, June 3, 6.30 PMNel nordest dell'Italia, il Tagliamento scorre dalle Alpi al Mare Adriatico.Questo documentario poetico ne segue il corso maestoso e le popolazioni,ricche di spirito e di storie che vivono lungo le sue rive. In italiano con sottotitoli in inglese. Copresentato dall'Istituto Italiano di Cultura e Cinema/Chicagonell'ambit...

  WTI Magazine #54    2015 February, 20Author : Umberto Mucci      Translation by:   It is not by chance that the interview published in this number of our magazine is our 100th ... Happy birthday to us! We wanted to celebrate this event in the proper way, and we thought that having John Maggio as our guest would be perfect to do it. We were rig...

So, what did you think of it? The PBS Documentary on Italian Americans, I mean. I’m the one they interviewed who looked just like Rudolph Valentino. I didn’t look like Rudolph Valentino to you? Who did I look like?   On second thought, don’t answer that question. I’ll settle for a cross between Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer and Kermit the f...

By Mauro Battocchi   In the wake of last week's historical moment at the War Memorial Opera house, we wanted to ask some non-Italian opinion leaders in San Francisco what they think about the role of Italians in the Bay.   What we found is quite flattering, but nonetheless not surprising when one considers the depth of the Italian con...

Appuntamento venerdì 16 maggio al Westchester Italian Cultural Center, New York, alle 19.30 per la proiezione di "Beyond Wiseguys: Italian Americans and the Movies", documentario diretto da Steven Fischler, prodotto da John Turturro, con Giorgio Bertellini, John Caglione Jr. e Frank Capra Jr.   Il documentario narra come gli italo-americani...

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of ItalianL'ITALIA E I DOCUMENTARI/ ITALY AND DOCUMENTARIESGraduate Student Conference - January 15-16, 2016Keynote Speakers: Alina Marazzi (Film Director), Paola Bonifazio (University of Texas, Austin) Since the early 20th century, documentary films, ranging from Arturo Ambros...

FROM PALERMO TO NEW ORLEANS The story of the first jazz record ...Few people know that on February 26, 1917, an Italian musician in New Orleans released the first record ever made in the history of jazz. That musician was Sicilian and his name was Nick La Rocca... These are the opening words of "From Palermo to New Orleans," a documentary film prod...

Friday, June 07, 2013   The documentary by Carlo Mazzacurati opens in the historic headquarters of Medici con l'Africa Cuamm (Doctors with Africa, University College of Aspiring and Medical Missionaries) in the center of Padua. Don Dante Carraro is a priest. He is also a cardiologist and for the last four years has been the director of Cuamm...

Thursday, March 31, 2016, 6pm. Fighting Paisanos (2013), 52 min. Marco Curti, dir.. John D Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY) - 25 W 43rd St #17, New York, NY 10036   During World War II, while some Italian Americans were deemed "enemy aliens," more than 500,000 Italian Americans served in the U.S. military. The d...