Top Italian jazz - Renzo Arbore presents: "Da Palermo a New Orleans e fu subito jazz"

May 30, 2013 1594

FROM PALERMO TO NEW ORLEANS The story of the first jazz record ...Few people know that on February 26, 1917, an Italian musician in New Orleans released the first record ever made in the history of jazz. That musician was Sicilian and his name was Nick La Rocca... These are the opening words of "From Palermo to New Orleans," a documentary film produced by Renzo Arbore on behalf of Gazebo Giallo srl. Arbore, a renowned director, producer, and president of the Umbria Jazz festival, let his passion for jazz and his native southern Italy inspire his creative process.

Renzo Arbore has traveled the world and collected stories and captured powerful images alongside his friend and collaborator of many years: director and Palermo native, Riccardo Di Blasi. Arbore has worked with Di Blasi and an entirely Sicilian crew of trusted experts to breathe life into the emotionally powerful script of "From Palermo to New Orleans". Inspired by the wonderful stories of Italians and Sicilians in the music world, Arbore, Di Blasi, and their top-notch team worked steadily to assemble this wonderful journey through musical history. Shot in Palermo, Salaparuta, New Orleans, New York, and Chicago, "From Palermo to New Orleans" is a tapestry of the true, fascinating, and larger-than-life stories of the sacrifices, journeys, and musical contributions made by Sicilian musicians in the United States. This film will honor those artists whose influence, enormous success, and importance in the history of global music have been ignored and unrecognized, even in Italy, for far too long.


Date: Monday, June 03, 2013

Hours: 6:00 pm

Venue: Italian Cultural Institute of New York

Organized by: IIC & Umbria Jazz

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