By Peter Fischetti   Some food for thought. If you want the best lobster, where do you go? New England, naturally.For peach pie? That would be Georgia. Maple syrup? Vermont has the best. Bratwurst? Wisconsin is the winner. Pizza? Norco, of course. Norco? The city by the hay? For pizza? Yup. Well, sort of.   As some...

Enjoy a variety of Italian stories that will be discussed and analyzed in Italian by 3 different instructors on a rotating schedule meeting weekly. Open to intermediate and advanced students proficient in conversation. Material provided. This wonderful cultural activity is free of charge for ICC members only.   More detailed information and...

«Sensoria», calza intelligente, "fuga" da casa. E un nome: Mario Esposito. Potrebbero essere gli ingredienti di una favola, e lo sono. Un storia del Terzo millennio che può far pensare, e molto, sullo stato delle nostre università, della nostra ricerca e delle opportunità che vengono offerte ai nostri giovani.   Tutto comincia qualche anno f...

by Valerio Vale   In every family there is always someone, who patiently tries to sketch out the family tree. Marge Bitetti, author of the book Italians in Los Angeles, has done more than that. She has traced the origin of a whole population of Italian-American immigrants, who settled and thrived in the greater Los Angeles area and Southern...

Usher in the cheer with the annual IACCW holiday gala! Silent auction, member awards, live entertainment and Ago's extraordinary food! Evening program includes a 6-course meal by Chef Agostino Sciandri , special performance by professional singer Elisabetta Russo, silent auction supporting Italy-America Youth Internship Program, members recogn...

Los Angeles, Italia Film Fest 2013: Honoring Giuliano Gemma. Il grande attore racconta gli esordi e invoca più co-produzioni internazionali Otto anni e un futuro luminoso. Il Los Angeles, Italia Film, Fashion and Art Fest, rassegna ideata e prodotta da Pascal Vicedomini, è arrivata al 2013 con un programma ancora più ricco delle precedenti edizion...

E' iniziata da pochi giorni (il 24 agosto fino al 17 novembre) una mostra tutta italiana al Museo d'arte di Oklaoma City, prima tappa di un tour americano che illustra attraverso dipinti di grandi Maestri della pittura italiana dal Medioevo, passando per il Rinascimento fino al XIX secolo. Prossime tappe: l' Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Canad...

by Mauro battocchi   Did you know that since 2011 over 1500 Americans from the North-West Pacific Consular jurisdiction were granted Italian citizenship at the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco? Most were claimed through lineage, but a small portion were also granted citizenship through marriage. Recent entries to Italian citizensh...

A man whose life made a real and lasting difference nella nostra comunità, Roger Boschetti stood out as a supporter of any and every Italian organization, club, or cause that he encountered. A former San Francisco police officer in the 1940s, he was involved in one capacity or another wherever he went.   He served as President of the San Fra...

The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) Grand Lodge of California opened its 78th Grand Convention this morning at the Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel in Millbrae, California. Delegates from throughout California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Southern Oregon happily gathered together for an annual event that is more reminiscent of a family reunion tha...