In Italy, a historic return to the land is underway with over 56 thousand young people under 35 at the helm of agricultural businesses, a record at community level with an extraordinary increase of + 12% in the last five years. This is what emerges from an analysis by Coldiretti on Infocamere data in the third quarter of 2019 on the occasion of the...

Vale all’incirca 400 milioni di euro il mercato italiano dell’agricoltura 4.0. Precisamente si parla di un valore tra 370 e 430 milioni di euro, che rappresentano il 5% di quello globale e il 19% di quello europeo. Sono le stime per il 2018 mostrate dalla relazione presentata a Roma da Nicola Barone, socio del quadrato della Radio e presidente Tim...

The European Union has just given the green light to the recognition of “Vermouth di Torino” Geographical Indication. The European Commission has completed the evaluation of the technical file for this geographical indication and, in the coming months the specification of this historic aromatised wine from Turin, usually drunk as an aperitif, will...

Lorenzini Farms in Weldona was recognized as a Colorado Centennial Farm at on opening day of the 2019 Colorado State Fair, according to a news release. The Colorado Centennial Farms and Ranches program honors families that have worked their land for 100 years or more and recognizes the significant role they have played in shaping Colorado. Each Col...

 Mario Di Biase loves to cook from the land. And the Great Kills resident, who owns Sottovoce Restaurant in Park Slope, regularly fishes New York waters and forages Staten Island’s parks to harvest the goodness indigenous to the region. He then brings the fresh haul home to play with it. This past spring, he began a hunt for pawpaws, tropical-like...

Volano le esportazioni dell’agroalimentare nazionale che fanno registrare il record storico con un balzo del 5,5%. È quanto emerge da una analisi della Coldiretti sulla base dei dati sul commercio estero dell’Istat nel primo semestre del 2019, rispetto allo stresso periodo scorso anno. Complessivamente sono stati esportati all’estero beni agricoli...

Do you love tomatoes? Consider yourself lucky to be living in an era where the edibles are available in many types, sizes, and colors. Our ancestors thought the plant species was poisonous and didn’t include it into the menu of edibles for many decades. If you think Italians were the first to introduce the world to the species, then you need to lea...

Olive oil is an essential part of Italian-American food culture, and is key to Italy’s economic livelihood. It may be simpler to name the Italian dishes you’d find on the Sunday Supper table that don’t use the ingredient, rather than the scores of recipes that do. With a taste so purely delicious, it’s understandable why most Italian Americans grew...

The Italian Association of the Olive Oil Industry (Assitol) has warned that producers in the country could lose up to $200 million a year if American tariffs on olive oil imports from the European Union are approved. Anna Cane, Assitol’s president, said that exports to the United States could fall by as much as 50 percent if the World Trade Organiz...

Nella svolta green dell’agricoltura europea, l’Italia gioca un ruolo fondamentale, e lo dicono i numeri. Siamo i maggiori produttori di agrumi al mondo (il 27% dell’intera superficie agrumicola italiana è biologica), il primo Paese europeo per l’ulivo (è biologica oltre il 20% della superficie nazionale a oliveti), per la frutta (quasi 25.000 ettar...