by Ezra David Romero   For many Americans, their only association with figs comes in the form of a Fig Newton. And indeed, once upon a time, most of the figs grown in California ended up in fig pastes and cookies like those familiar chewy squares.   But tastes change, and the fig industry has gone through tough times. Lack of demand a...

by Catherine Accardi The September 3rd edition of L'Italo-Americano featured an article titled "Before Ferry Plaza There Was the Italian Farmers' Market". It told the story of the earliest, 20th century Italian farmers' markets in San Francisco. Here we continue the story of California's Italian farmers and food venders of today and how they have...

Il segno unico distintivo del made in Italy agroalimentare ('The extraordinary Italian taste') è un tassello fondamentale del piano per l'internazionalizzazione che Mipaaf e Ministero dello Sviluppo economico stanno attuando per sostenere l'export e rafforzare le azioni di contrasto all'Italian sounding, che prevede risorse pari a 260 milioni di eu...

Italian agriculture is one of the 'greenest', most sustainable and safest in Europe, according to data released on Monday by farmers' union Coldiretti at a meeting on multifunctionality in agriculture in light of Milan Expo 2015.   Italy produces 35% less greenhouse gas compared the EU average, and has the lowest number of agricultural produ...