Making it Italian style

Jun 23, 2017 1130

BY: Elizabeth Djinis

It’s only fitting that the first few conversations Roman couple Silvia Rapone and Umberto Naro had about opening their own Italian bakery in Florida took place at a table in their favorite restaurant. As they discussed the idea of owning an Italian cafe and bar that would serve pastries and offer wine and espresso, they divvied up the responsibilities: Rapone would make homemade pastries, cakes and even cupcake bouquets, using her background as a caterer in Rome. Naro offered to take gelato-making classes and set up the permits and visas.

“We began to create our dream,” Rapone said with a smile. Now, nearly four years later, they have been operating their Main Street cafe, Sweet Mom Italy, located at 1473 Main St., since March. The name was taken from Rapone’s cake-making company, which still has an active Facebook page that she has transferred to the Sarasota business.

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