Old Fashion Cafe Brings Modern Italian Cocktail Culture to NYC

May 22, 2024 96

BY: Andrew Cotto

Antonello and Piero Iacca came of age in the Italian bar business. In 1998, when the brothers were 11 and 8, respectively, their parents and uncle opened Old Fashion Cafe in Taranto, Puglia. This, though, was not your typical Italian ‘bar” — the ubiquitous storefront, open from morning through early evening, catering to daytime tastes, similar to an American café or coffee shop.

Old Fashion Cafe did serve caffe and pastries in the morning, panini and pasta at lunch, small bites throughout the day, aperitivi in the afternoon and casual dinner fare, but after the last meal or digestivo had been consumed, the bar came alive in the concept of a trendy American nightspot, with the positive vibes informed by stylish cocktails and upbeat music.

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SOURCE: https://appetitomagazine.com/

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