Foodstuffs: How a N.H. Cooking Show Brought Authentic Italian Cuisine to the U.S.

May 23, 2017 1371


New Hampshire is home to the long-running cooking show Ciao Italia. The program is produced in Dover and has aired on public television stations nationwide since 1989. At a recent taping of the show in Windham, a television crew transforms a kitchen into a television set. They erect umbrella-shaped lights, while a woman standing nearby introduces herself as Mary Ann Esposito, the show's host.

On the countertop sits a freshly-baked loaf of ciabatta bread and Sicilian olive oil—a pre-filming snack. Esposito and the crew stood around a steel sink to plan this episode of Ciao Italia, and then they were ready to cook. This episode is filmed in the house of guest chef Rose Faro. On the menu: asparagus fritters, eggplant parmesan, and a lamb stew. The whole affair is unscripted, the two chefs simply chatting on camera while they prepared the dishes.

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