The 1978 Ferrari 308 GTS convertible became a legend on American TV thanks to its starring role in Magnum, P.I. (short for Private Investigator). Tom Selleck, the show's charismatic lead, wasn't just solving cases in Honolulu, he was doing it in style behind the wheel of this Italian beauty. Unlike other flashy TV cars known for crazy stunts, Magnu...

Dear friends, July is also now almost over, and if anyone thought that after our Gala we would rest, they were very wrong. We the Italians is working on at least three very ambitious and exciting projects, and we already have some ideas on how to turn the gala into something even bigger, starting next year. Between July and August we will be return...

CBS Sports and Lega Serie A announced a new multi-platform, two-year agreement following approval at today’s Serie A Assembly, where CBS Sports continues as the exclusive U.S. English-language rights holder of every Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana match. This extends the partnership that began when CBS Sports first aired...

I love an enticing thriller as much as the next gal. (I’ve watched Denzel Washington’s serial killer flick, The Little Things, more than once, but who’s counting?) So, when I saw the new Italian suspenseful drama Vanished Into the Night sitting at the number three spot on Netflix’s top ten movies list, I was undoubtedly intrigued.  Vanished Into th...

Prime Video has unveiled the next installment in the Russo Brothers' Citadel franchise. Titled Citadel: Diana, the new series will star Matilda De Angelis as undercover Citadel agent, Diana Cavalieri. The streamer unveiled the Citadel spinoff during a gala evening presentation of its Italian slate held in the palatial Villa Miani on a hill overlook...

Two Scoops of Italy is part of the Hallmark Channel’s “Passport to Love” movie series of romances shot on location in Europe. This installment is about an American chef seeking professional inspiration in Italy, but she ends up falling for a local gelato-maker while she’s there. The film features beautiful scenery, delicious-looking food, and a win...

The cast and creatives behind “The Sopranos” reunited at Tribeca Festival Thursday night in celebration of the series’ 25th anniversary. They gathered for the premiere of Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary, “Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos,” which played to a packed audience at the Beacon Theatre on the Upper West Side of Manhattan Thursday night...

Sports found Vic Lombardi. And he has spent his adult life finding ways to make it more fun and interesting for the rest of us. The son of Italian immigrants Ezio and Bambina, Lombardi did not speak English until around the age of 7. He remembers watching neighborhood kids play football, not knowing the rules, but joining the game anyway. “It was m...

On Friday, the Italian American Leadership Forum (IALF), led by the oldest and largest Italian American organizations in the U.S. and representing more than 18 million Americans of Italian heritage, took proactive steps to mitigate harmful stereotypes of the Italian American community. The IALF’s five founding organizations sent a letter to AMC Net...

TV and radio host, journalist, actor and partisan. Italian American. It is not easy to describe Mike Bongiorno, a historical and among the most famous faces of Italian television. A man born exactly 100 years ago, on May 26, 1924, and who died on September 8, 2009. His life was troubled and full of surprises: from imprisonment in San Vittore during...