La Forchetta da Massi's Milanese plates please in Pueblo

Mar 21, 2017 1461

BY: Griffin Swartzell

Pueblo's food scene bears a reputation for authentic Italian cuisine. La Forchetta da Massi proves no exception. Located in the former Rio Bistro, Forchetta opened in August. It's owned by Daimi Innocenti and operated by her husband, Chef Massimiliano. Known as Massi for short — the restaurant's name translates to "Massi's Fork" — he's from the Varese province, an hour from Milan, near the Swiss border.

We'd love to know more, as food always tastes that little bit better when you know the story. But bad phone connections and deadlines stymie our efforts. And, to be frank, Massi's menu doesn't need a story to bring us back at speed. Everything we order tastes fresh and delicious, indicative of the "keep it fresh, keep it simple" ethos so prevalent in Italian cuisine.

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