Cafe Piazza's artwork wows, but the pizza steals the show

Mar 16, 2018 919

BY: Ian Froeb

At Cafe Piazza, you must remind yourself to glance at your food. This isn’t a slight on the pizza at this Benton Park restaurant, but the pizza here looks like pizza, while the ceiling is a tourist-board fever dream. A mural of St. Louis history, inspired by both the Sistine Chapel and street art and rendered in vibrant spray paint, stretches across the ceiling. The Old Courthouse framed by the Arch, the Budweiser Clydesdales and Chuck Berry’s head loom over your meal.

Paco Rosic’s work garnered attention even before Cafe Piazza opened last September. His mural is reason enough to visit Cafe Piazza, but while you’re busy taking in its scope — and Easter eggs like the bar’s foot rail, which is made from aerosol spray-paint canisters — the restaurant’s food quietly steals the show.

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