Minard's Spaghetti Inn in Clarksburg, West Virginia, celebrates 85 years in business this month

May 22, 2022 672

BY: Josiah Cork

Minard’s Spaghetti Inn, the oldest Italian restaurant in Northern West Virginia, is celebrating 85 years in business this month. “(It’s) pretty amazing. We’ve gone through three generations of ownership. What makes it unique is it’s my grandmother’s house. It’s really hard to explain because as kids we would play there. You’d go to your grandmother’s house and that’s where we went,” said Sam Minardi, owner of Minard’s.

“We’re actually the oldest Italian restaurant in this area, and we’re the second oldest in the state of West Virginia. We’re turning 85 this year, so we’ve been here a while,” said Heather Gillespie, general manager of Minard’s Spaghetti Inn in a previous interview. Minardi notes that the circumstances in which the restaurant was opened are unique since it was formed out of necessity.

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SOURCE: https://www.wvnews.com

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