Taste Of The Town: Mimi’s Ravioli Brings Slice Of Italy To Hollywood

Feb 27, 2017 1125

BY: Lisa Petrillo

From homemade ravioli coming out “I Love Lucy” conveyor belt-style, to freshly made pizzas, cannolis, breads, cheeses and so much more, Mimi’s Ravioli off Johnson Street in Hollywood has it all. “Mimi’s Ravioli is your local family bakery, pasta manufacturer.

All Italian food,” said Anthony Billisi, one of the owners. “We do everything from different sauces, pastas and breads. We make the best homemade mozzarella. What we don’t produce on our own, we import directly from Italy.” The Billisi family is what makes this home-grown market so charming and authentic. Mom, Linda, works with customers while Dad, Frank, sons Frank, Jr. and Anthony, work side by side six days a week.


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SOURCE: http://miami.cbslocal.com

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