Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Venice Ghetto

May 10, 2016 1198

The Venice Ghetto: 500 Years of Life. Film at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Venice Ghetto - Thursday, May 12, 5:30 pm - Museum of Fine Arts - 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston. Click here for more information

The rich story of the Jews of Venice is celebrated in this charming film, which uses an inventive mix of documentary and drama, animation, location photography, and interviews. Conjuring up 500 years of history, language, architecture, food, art, and politics-even the smells of market day-the film introduces us to Lorenzo (Laurence Olivieri), a Jewish teenager from New York, who is guided through Jewish Venice by his artist aunt (Sandra Toffolatti) . Together they explore the unique character of Venetian Jewish life, which began in the 14th century when Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Levantine Jews arrived in Venice, then the center of trade between the East and West. To receive discounted $12 tickets to VENICE GHETTO (regularly $14), use promo code NCJF when purchasing.

Source: Dante Alighieri Society

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