Passport day in Denver, CO

Feb 21, 2023 917

The Italian Consulate General in Chicago organized a passport day in Denver on April 14. Open to compatriots the need to apply for or renew it passport, during the day at the Honorary Consulate office in Denver biometric data will be collected for it document issuance. Compatriots who are regularly registered with AIRE in the consular district will be able to access the service upon reservation.

Modalities and details will be posted on the Consulate General's website in the coming weeks. Appointment availability - they specify from Chicago - is limited and appointment requests will be considered by order of arrival and confirmed only after verification by the Consulate General. "Passport Day" in Denver will be repeated periodically: compatriots are invited to make appointments for the April event only if their passports have already expired or are due to expire within 6 months.

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