We The Italians | What's up with WTI: Editorial # 166

What's up with WTI: Editorial # 166

Dear friends, as you know we do not stop even in August, and this is the editorial for the hottest month of the year. We are working on some new things that will see the light of day soon, and I hope to be able to announce some of these new things as early as next month.

On July 29 I had the honor and pleasure of attending the John Fante Festival, organized by my friend and also We the Italians' Ambassador to Abruzzo, Giovanna Di Lello. Also on my panel was another friend, Giuseppe Sommario, a great expert on Italian emigration. The John Fante Festival is held every year in Torricella Peligna, the small town in Abruzzo where the great Italian American novelist had his roots.

On September 9 and 10 I will be in Detroit, to be part of LoveITDetroit, the amazing one month series of events organized by the Italian Consulate in Detroit. It will be a great pleasure for me to be in Michigan, I hope to see all our friends there!

Last month I told you about the premiere screening in Rome of the documentary "New York Solo Andata" by Davide Ippolito, in which I also appear and of which We the Italians is a partner. The American premiere of the documentary will be held on September 12 at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, and I will be there. I hope to see many of you there; to reserve a ticket (reservations are free, but required) you can click here.

Last but not least, we welcome on We the Italians a new Ambassador, my friend Saverio Nestico, who will represent us in Philadelphia, PA. Saverio was born and raised in South Philadelphia, where he is the President of SPN Companies. Saverio volunteers with Filitalia International  as the newly elected 7th President of the organization, an international non-profit with 25 Chapters throughout Italy and USA that helps to preserve, promote and protect the Italian language and culture through programs and services.

Once again let me remind you that the new yearbook of We the Italians is available, with the 23 interviews (in Italian and English) published during 2022. You can find a preview and buy a copy here. Also, please use our virtual store to buy gifts and gadgets, where you can find more than 20 products in different colors: t-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, onesies, mugs, notebooks, pillows, totes, tapestries, pins, laptop and smartphone cases, magnets, stickers, masks. Buy We the Italians!

It’s all for now. Please stay safe and take care, and enjoy our magazine and our contents on our website. The future’s so bright, we gotta wear shades. A big Italian hug from Rome!