We The Italians | Italian gardens and parks: WWF Ca' Brigida Oasis

Italian gardens and parks: WWF Ca' Brigida Oasis

Italian gardens and parks: WWF Ca' Brigida Oasis

  • WTI Magazine #158 Dec 17, 2022
  • 480

The Ca' Brigida Oasis is located in the Marecchia Valley, at Il Doccio, in the municipality of Verucchio. It covers about 16-17 hectares in mainly hilly environments, which include woods, cultivated areas, a farmhouse with an adjoining park, springs and traces of ancient settlements, belonging to Verucchio's Villanovan civilization.

Inside the Oasis are set up a Visitor Center, Environmental Documentation Center with reading and computer room, video room, thematic exhibitions and museum room, recreation room, guesthouse with use of kitchen, ringing station, WWF library "Bruno Marabini," nature collection and educational laboratory, butterfly garden, where these colorful insects find nourishment, garden of ancient plants, and olive tree garden.

The reserve's forests are dominated by downy oak (Quercus pubescens), with ample presence of manna ash (Fraxinus ornus), black hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia), locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), freckle (Viburnum tinus) and elderberry (Sambucus nigra).

A plot in the area has long since been reforested with deciduous and coniferous trees, particularly lodgepole pine (Pinus sylvestris). Riverine vegetation is typically characterized by poplars (Populus spp.), white willows (Salix alba), and field maples (Acer campestre).

The fauna is developed and characterized by red frogs, toads and newts. Among the reptiles are the grass snapper, saw-whet, and collared natrix.

Among birds the nuthatch, buzzard, kestrel, and nocturnal raptors such as the owl, tawny owl, and barn owl. Among mammals the roe deer, porcupine, badger, marten, weasel and fox.