The Calabrian city of Vibo Valentia has been named the first ever Italian Book Capital, for 2021, Culture Minister Dario Franceschini announced on Friday. Vibo beat Ariano Arpino, Caltanisetta, Campobasso, Cesena and Pontremoli. The Calabrian city won because "it has distinguished itself for the quality of the initiatives presented, set out clearly...

La pandemia da Coronavirus ha peggiorato drasticamente la situazione economica del mondo del calcio. Casse prosciugate e risorse economiche risicate: diverse società sono sull’orlo del baratro e serve un intervento netto per salvarle da un futuro sempre più incerto. Un aiuto potrebbe arrivare da investitori esteri pronti ad entrare nel calcio itali...

Extending over the Tyrrhenian Coast and through the Serre mountains is a little peninsula known as Vibo Valentia - a land whose spectacular panoramic views span from iridescent sapphire waters to lush hills covered in lemon and olive groves.   Vibo Valentia is located in the middle of the southern heart of Calabria and is surrounded by the Tyrrheni...