The Godfather is one of the greatest movies of all time. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, it was made on a $6 million budget, completed ahead of schedule and was the first film in history to take in a million bucks a day. It was nominated for 11 Oscars, won three and changed cinema forever. That seismic cinematic shift would never have happened if...

Did you know that The Godfather did not fall out of the sky as a perfectly formed completed motion picture? Furthermore, did you know that not only did it have to be produced for a major movie studio, but said production was in fact quite contentious and difficult? It’s true! In fact, the woes of The Godfather’s making – young maverick director Fra...

Tra i diversi aspetti che caratterizzano l'esperienza italoamericana, come ci hanno detto alcuni nostri precedenti ospiti, c'è (sin dall'inizio) il problema delle discriminazioni e degli stereotipi. E' un problema che divide fortemente la comunità: perché c'è chi lo combatte con grande forza, e chi ritiene che al contrario bisognerebbe evitare di p...