“Avengers: The Kang Dynasty” has been retitled with a full-tilt pivot. The next Avengers films will be “Avengers: Doomsday” and “Avengers: Secret Wars” and they will both be directed by the Russo Brothers. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo — who helmed four films in the MCU, including 2019’s “Avengers: Endgame” — are uniting with Marvel Studios once...

Prime Video has unveiled the next installment in the Russo Brothers' Citadel franchise. Titled Citadel: Diana, the new series will star Matilda De Angelis as undercover Citadel agent, Diana Cavalieri. The streamer unveiled the Citadel spinoff during a gala evening presentation of its Italian slate held in the palatial Villa Miani on a hill overlook...

AGBO and the Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA) are pleased to announce the 2024 grant recipients for the Russo Brothers Italian American Filmmaker Forum (RBIAFF). Five filmmaking teams were each awarded a $10,000 production grant to make a short film based on a submitted concept that depicts and explores aspects of the Italian American e...

Louis D’Esposito is one of the primary producers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the co-president of Marvel Studios. His family is originally from Torre del Greco, Naples, and two of the franchise’s greatest directors, Joe and Anthony Russo, are also of Italian heritage. Along with their sister, Angela Russo-Otstot, they have conceived and org...

The highly anticipated Crime-Docudrama movie "STOLEN DOUGH," directed by AFI Award Winner Stefano Da Frè and produced by Laura Pellegrini, in collaboration with the Russo Brothers & Rosso Films International is now on Apple TV, featuring the exclusive Director's cut of the film only available on APPLE TV. Premiering on February 8th, 2024 "STOLEN DO...

It’s a new day in Tinseltown. Italian Americans, of Hollywood, are, from now on, to be rightly recognized for their important contributions to cinema. New filmmakers are to be encouraged to make short films with themes related to the Italian American experience. Enter the Russos. Film directors, Joe and Anthony Russo, along with their sister, Angel...

Italian American leaders and entertainment industry luminaries came together this week to support the launch of the new Russo Brothers Italian American Filmmaker Forum. RBIAFF, developed in collaboration with Italian Sons and Daughters of America, is a fellowship program that offers production grants to emerging filmmakers who seek to create storie...

Dear friends, What a January! Divided between Italy, Florida and California, our January has been full of beautiful things and people. First, the new yearbook of We the Italians is available, with the 23 interviews (in Italian and English) published during 2022. You can find a preview and buy a copy here. In 2023, we interviewed 20 people, friends...

AGBO announced today that Louis D’Esposito will be presented with the inaugural award at the Russo Brothers’ Italian American Filmmaker Forum Event on January 18. The Renaissance Award celebrates outstanding contributions to Italian American heritage and the entertainment industry. This is the first annual event for the Russo Brothers’ Italian Amer...

Italian Film Festival: August 5th at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center in Metairie, LA. Featured Films: “Who Killa da Chief?” Solving the murder mystery that led to the 1891 massacre of 11 Italians and the expansion of Columbus Day; “Italian-Americans: Transatlantic Aviators and Transformative Immigrants” Colonel Francesco de Pinedo’s 1927 Trans...