Prime Video has unveiled the next installment in the Russo Brothers' Citadel franchise. Titled Citadel: Diana, the new series will star Matilda De Angelis as undercover Citadel agent, Diana Cavalieri. The streamer unveiled the Citadel spinoff during a gala evening presentation of its Italian slate held in the palatial Villa Miani on a hill overlook...

Who was Lidia Poët? Lidia Poët endured humiliation and sacrifice to pursue her desire to be a lawyer, and she ultimately succeeded. From Turin, she was the first woman in Italy to register as a lawyer. She was disbarred precisely because she was a woman, but she found a way to continue her work. It was not until she was 65 that she was finally able...

The world is a lot different than it was in the late 19th century. There were a host of things that were restricted and prohibited for people of certain social classes, gender, and races. Netflix, in its upcoming period piece series, seeks to tell one of such tales, wherein an individual, though clearly qualified, has to fight for the right to purs...

Prime Video has sent the Italian instalment of the Russo Brothers’ global sci-fi event series Citadel into production and cast Matilda de Angelis (The Undoing, Leonardo) as its lead, as Amazon Italy execs today touted the streamer’s local growth here at the MIA Market in Rome. De Angelis recently made her international breakthrough in Susanne Bier’...

Don’t bother with your finale theories for The Undoing. The ending is almost “impossible” to guess, says Matilda De Angelis, who stars as Elena Alves in HBO’s thrilling new miniseries. Her character is violently killed in the first episode, but her demise is central to the show’s whole narrative. For the past five weeks, viewers have been obsessing...