Dear friends, things are going good here in Italy, and we hope the same for you. Once again there’s many things happened in this February for We the Italians, and many more will be coming in the close future. A few days ago We the Italians had the honor of being called among the speakers at an event celebrating a wonderful project involving five di...

Marina Gabrieli has been appointed national coordinator of the "Roots Tourism" project funded under the NRP and coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for an integrated strategy aimed at the recovery of the tourism sector in post covid-19 Italy. This was announced by Luigi Maria Vigni, director general for Italians abroad and migration pol...

Sono Lombardia, Molise, Calabria e Sicilia le quattro Regioni protagoniste del secondo volume “Guida alle radici italiane. Un viaggio sulle tracce dei tuoi antenati”, prodotta da Raìz Italiana con il sostegno della Direzione Generale per gli Italiani all’Estero del Maeci. L’impostazione ricalca quella del primo volume, risalente al 2019 e dedicato...

Ciao from Rome, welcome to another wonderful issue of our magazine. Things are getting better in Italy, as we tell you twice a week in our video and audio podcast We the ItaliaNews, which we encourage you to watch or listen to all the time. This past June 2, Italy celebrated 75 years of our Republic. At that time Italy chose the Republic and decide...

Ciao from Rome, my dear friends readers of We the Italians. This new editorial has a lot of news regarding the activities and family of We the Italians. The first is that after Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Anchor, from this month you will find an account of We the Italians also on Tik Tok. It's an experiment, luckily it won't...

“Scoprirsi Italiani, speciale USA: il viaggio delle radici in Italia”, questo è stato il titolo del webinar condotto e moderato dal ricercatore Giuseppe Sommario dell’Associazione AsSud insieme a Riccardo Giumelli, membro ORI e Università Mar del Plata. Sommario ha ricordato l’esperienza già di successo del Piccolo Festival delle Spartenze; introdu...

The AsSud Association (which has among its statutory purposes the study of emigration and the relationship between migration and the territories of departure and arrival, see in this regard the "Piccolo Festival delle Spartenze" founded by the Association in 2016) has established the Osservatorio sulle Radici Italiane - Observatory on Italian Roots...

Lo scorso 29 maggio, in occasione del terzo tavolo di coordinamento sul Turismo delle Radici, promosso dalla Direzione Generale per gli Italiani all’Estero del Maeci, il ricercatore Giuseppe Sommario aveva illustrato il progetto di ricerca, condotto dall’Osservatorio permanente sulle Radici Italiane (ORI) dell’Associazione AsSud, intitolato “Scopri...