Getting to know an artist through their works is an encounter that sometimes offers the opportunity to understand their art, to place them in the time they lived, to imagine their personality, especially if they are no longer in this world. However, it is not always the case that this allows us to comprehend the motivations behind their artistic an...

Pulsar Content has secured worldwide sales on Michele Placido‘s “Eternal Visionary,” a film about the life of Luigi Pirandello, the Italian playwright, novelist and poet who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934. Pirandello is played by Fabrizio Bentivoglio, one of Italy’s best known actors whose credits include “Loro,” “The Invisible Boy” and...

One, None and a Hundred Thousand is another masterpiece from Luigi Pirandello, published in 1926. It has been considered as the most original of his books which explores the deepest layers of personality when the main character finds out that the people close to him see him differently than how he sees himself.  As a matter of fact, the novel unvei...

Pirandello's birthplace is located in a district called "the Caos," an area halfway between Agrigento and Porto Empedocle, in the southern part of Sicily. It is set on a hill facing the Mediterranean sea, in a natural setting full of olive trees and centuries-old oaks. Here you will instantly feel to go back in time.  We recommend you to drop by th...

“Imparerai a tue spese che nel lungo tragitto della vita incontrerai tante maschere e pochi volti.” This month’s book is an interesting and fascinating story, from a brilliant author who created yet another masterpiece for the Italian literature.  Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) was an author, narrator, and playwright who reached his fame in the theat...

A round table to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the first performance of Luigi Pirandello's masterpiece. December 13, 2021 6PM - Italian Cultural Institute, 686 Park Avenue, NY. RSVP here. Limited capacity. Guests will be asked to show proof of vaccination upon entry. Speakers: Lisa Sarti, Ph.D. - The City University of New York; Pietro Fras...

Annually the Nobel Prize is awarded to those brilliant minds who distinguish themselves in this sector: physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, literature and brotherhood among Nations.  In 2021 Giorgio Parisi win the physics prize: he is an italian who joins the distinguished group of 20 enlightened men and women who have brought prestige to Ital...

March 11 (Wednesday) 6:00 pm. The John D. Calandra Italan American Institute - 25 West 43rd Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues), Manhattan, NY. Admission: free; open to the public. Contact: 212-642-2094 [email protected] Co-sponsored by the Società Dante Alighieri di NYC, Inc. Through a presentation of two recent books by Giuseppe Faustini, Professo...

A group of Torrington middle and high school students and participants in the Connecticut Academy for the Arts’ Italian fine arts outreach program will be recognized for winning a literary contest on Nov. 20. Superintendent of Schools Sue Lubomski is expected to honor the group during the Board of Education meeting, starting at 6 p.m. The students...

Leaving home is never easy. When that journey means saying goodbye to your "terra madre" — or loosely translated, motherland — crossing the Atlantic and settling into an area that is just as foreign to you as the language, “difficult” doesn't even begin to cover it. Take it from Vita Maria Mesnick. With her Italian heritage and love of teaching per...