Lazio, my region. A region of many wonders; a compound of sumptuous landscapes, ancient medieval hamlets, superb regional delicacies and ravishing nature. Bordered by the Tirreno waves and traversed by the central portion of the Apennine mountains, the region we’re about to discover will allow you to ride (either by car or by train) through unforge...

Many are the Italian cities where every year local traditions are carried on and events are held to celebrate the festivities. Here are some of Central Italy’s Christmas markets that come to life every year in the month of December. Here it is possible to find many gift ideas or local and traditional products. Furthermore, you will live the magic o...

Whether you may have heard the name Lazio or not, if you’ve been to Italy most likely you visited Rome, which is actually in the central region of Italy called Lazio.  Lazio is a region dominated by white wines by about 70% over reds that are primarily based on the Malvasia and Trebbiano white grapes.  In Lazio you’ll find a couple different types...