Italy's president Sergio Mattarella has bestowed knighthood honours on 57 citizens who distinguished themselves by serving their community during the coronavirus emergency, reports Italian news agency ANSA. The honour - Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica - will be awarded to mainly frontline healthcare workers but also individuals in other profes...

Grazie all'accordo fra le aziende Takis e Rottapharm Biotech sono previsti in autunno i test sull'uomo del vaccino chiamato Covid-eVax, per i quali è già partita la produzione dei quantitativi necessari alla fase 1-2 dei test. «Il programma di sviluppo - osservano le due aziende - prevede ora il completamento degli studi di laboratorio e la produzi...

Un cluster familiare di cinque persone positivo al Coronavirus arrivato a Fiumicino con un volo proveniente dagl Usa. "Un intero nucleo familiare residente a Roma, rientrato in Italia dagli Usa, è risultato positivo al Covid19 e si è posto in auto isolamento contattando prontamente i competenti servizi sanitari della Asl territoriale", le parole de...

La campagna di raccolta fondi #Italystaystrong lanciata dall’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington e da Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF, e sostenuta da un’intensa azione di promozione della rete diplomatico-consolare negli USA, supera la soglia del mezzo milione di dollari. Oltre 600 donazioni – da stu...

According to an analysis by Italian farmers association Confagricoltura – based on customs agency data – Italian food exports to non-EU countries did well in the period January-April 2020. Despite the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, export values grew by +3.7% compared to the first four months of 2019. Although not uniformly in all F&B se...

The exposure notification app uses Bluetooth to swap codes between mobile devices. If someone tests positive for COVID-19 and they mark that status on Immuni, it will alert people who have been in close proximity with that person. They’ll be advised to self-isolate and get tested for the virus themselves to limit the spread of COVID-19.  Concerns h...

Italy registered 178 new coronavirus cases over the last 24 hours on 1 June, the lowest daily rise since 26 February, reports Italian news agency ANSA. This figure comes after 355 new cases were registered the day before, 31 May, with 416 new cases on 30 May and 516 new cases on 29 May. Italy recorded 60 coronavirus-related fatalities on 1 June - a...

Sharon Cittone always seems to find herself in the thick of it. Sometimes that means being in the right place, at the very best possible time. During her tenure as Chief Content Officer at Seeds&Chips, the Milan based food innovation ecosystem, she was shoulder to shoulder with Barack Obama in his first appearance after his presidency. She was also...

The Oregon District's Roost Modern Italian opened back up for dining inside the restaurant on Thursday. Dana Downs, executive chef and owner of Roost Modern Italian, estimates that her occupancy is about 78 percent of what it once was. She has expanded the restaurant seating into the Dough Room — the restaurant’s private dining room in the back of...

Last Monday Milan’s diehard shoppers and cappuccino addicts-in-withdrawal were given a well-earned respite, as the strict lockdown we’ve been under for two months was lifted for retailers and restaurateurs. Hairdressers too opened their salons—and you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief as thousands of women (myself included) booked app...