The Vatican and Rome have become vernacular synonyms, entwined as they are by history and geography. Yet the Eternal City has been home to many other religious groups besides Roman Catholicism for millennia. Scholar-filmmaker Jenn Lindsay has documented how religious Romans of various stripes have sought God this year, as COVID-19 stripped communal...

Il 30 giugno 2020 il Ministero della Salute ha sottoscritto l’ordinanza che regolamenta fino al 14 luglio le restrizioni all’ingresso in Italia per chi proviene dall’estero. L’ordinanza si basa sulla raccomandazione europea relativa alla restrizione temporanea dei viaggi non essenziali verso l’UE e all’eventuale revoca di tale restrizione (a questo...

Ritengo che mai come adesso la Regione Piemonte debba cercare un’intesa sempre più forte con il sistema americano. Occorre infatti un lavoro di preparazione del territorio fatto da chi ha esperienza, ma senza tralasciare nessuno. Fare squadra è fondamentale! Le recenti tensioni politiche che hanno caratterizzato i rapporti transatlantici per anni n...

Watching Italy’s coronavirus agony unfold was unbearably sad for those of us who love this exuberant, gregarious country. But as the months went on, I began thinking more selfishly: Italy was coming back to life, but would the UK’s chaotic response to the pandemic deprive me of my Italy fix this year? Now, with plans to lift the ban on non-essentia...

Le esportazioni registrano un forte passivo: – 7,8 miliardi di euro. A risentire della situazione economica relativa all’emergenza sanitaria del Coronavirus è il comparto economico internazionale. Sono proprio le ultime stime del Fondo Monetario Internazionale a prevedere un peggioramento generale dell’economia mondiale: si passa da una stima del -...

The 94th Annual San Gennaro Feast was officially canceled on Thursday evening, as COVID-19 cases spike across the country. The 11-day feast, which draws hundreds of thousands of people to Mulberry Street every year, was founded in 1926 and has only been canceled twice—after 9/11, and now, amid a resurgent pandemic. However, the Solemn High Mass and...

The intensive care unit of an Italian hospital devastated by the coronavirus is finally COVID-19-free. The Papa Giovanni XXIII, the main hospital in Bergamo, on Wednesday reported no virus patients in its ICU for the first time in 137 days — since the first patient was admitted on Feb. 23, according to Italian news agency ANSA. Bergamo’s surroundin...

Being an Italian in the United States over the past several weeks has meant living the nightmare of the pandemic twice. The first time was in February and March, as I heard the stories coming from parents and friends in Italy, once the global epicenter of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. The virus has killed almost 35,000 people...

The Italian food sector will register a 5% decrease in revenue in 2020 due to the effect of coronavirus, but is likely to stage a comeback next year, posting 7.7% growth. The forecast comes from the sixth edition of the Food Industry Monitor by the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo (Cuneo), carried out in association with Ceresio Inves...

The government on Friday reached an agreement with Italy's regional and local authorities on reopening schools in September, after they were closed in March due to the the coronavirus crisis. A first draft of the new guidelines was rejected by regional authorities and the national association of headteachers, who asked for clearer instructions and...