“In a moment historically where there are regimes all over — why not analyse a regime?” these are the words, quoted by Hannah McGivern in The Art Newspaper, that curator Germano Celant used to explain the purpose of his current exhibition Post Zang Tumb Tuuum. Art Life Politics: Italia 1918–1943, currently on view at Fondazione Prada. The title is...

In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti—a member of the Italian literati who had studied in Egypt, France, and Italy—published his radical Futurist Manifesto, a document whose exaltations of technological disruption ignited the Italian Futurism movement. Marinetti called for art that embraced new innovations like automobiles, glorified war, “fought” mor...

As you all know, in our interviews we try to stay as far as we can from politics. It is a very sensitive topic, and We the Italians is completely impartial and unbiased, on both sides of the ocean. This is fundamental to understand the approach we are using regarding the topic of this interview, as to say the relation between Mussolini and the Unit...

di Giuseppe Barcellona   Il segretario di Stato Cordell Hull, che non poteva sentirne pronunciare neanche il nome, si sarebbe ricreduto negli anni a venire.   Nei primi anni Trenta del secolo passato Fiorello La Guardia, detto "The little Flore" fu eletto sindaco della Grande Mela in un'America isolazionista, legata alla Germania dal "Trattato...

By 1945, things weren't looking good for Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.   He was deposed by the Grand Council of Fascism, arrested by the Italian king, and had just escaped imprisonment with the help of German special forces. Mussolini was headed north with his mistress, Clara Petacci, presumably to seek asylum in Switzerland.

by Rachel Donadio   Deep beneath the historic Villa Torlonia, where Benito Mussolini lived for nearly two decades, a wine cellar repurposed in 1941 as a bunker to protect the Fascist leader was recently opened to the public.   Even in a city stratified with centuries of history, where archaeologists are digging up the remains of an ancient empi...

Viterbo, Sette Città, 2012, pp.118, € 12.   A sette anni dalla sua discussione come tesi di dottorato presso l'Università di Trieste questo lavoro trova spazio in sede editoriale. Nel tempo trascorso da allora Pretelli ha dato alle stampe numerosi altri contributi di storia delle migrazioni italiane sotto forma di saggi e volumi e si è confrontat...