Dear friends, it has been a very, very busy but exciting June for all of us here at We the Italians. We started it in New York's Little Italy with the opening party of the magnificent Red Sauce Studio, the latest genius brainchild of John Viola and the group that makes the Italian American Podcast with him, including my friends Rossella Rago and Pa...

June 17, 2024 Camera dei Deputati, Roma, Italy

The Position Paper "Harnessing the power of the global Italian diaspora. How to strategically manage a valuable asset for the country-system" will be presented during the "Rethinking globalization" panel. The panelists are Arancha González Laya (Dean, Paris School of International Affairs), Chris Miller (Professor of International History, Fletcher...

If we had to describe the 47th edition of the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Gala in a few words, we could not find a better way than “it was a memorable celebration at many, if not all, levels.” Washington DC became the place to be for Italian Americans in the US on October 29th, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, when NIAF put together one...