Italian citizens are informed that, in collaboration with the Honorary Vice Consul, a ‘Passport Day’ is scheduled for June 25th 2024 at the Honorary Vice Consulate’s office in Kansas City for the acquisition of biometric data for the purpose of issuing an Italian passport, without the need to go to the Consulate General’s office in Chicago. Italian...

According to the most recent survey (the 18th “Rapporto Italiani nel mondo” by the Fondazione Migrantes), published at the beginning of 2023, the Italian expats are now almost 6 millions, +91% vs 2006; and these are only the expats enrolled in the AIRE (“Albo degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero”) as there are many more Italians expats that are not...

For the Italian citizens registered with AIRE, you can request your tax code through the FAST IT portal. Please register with Fast It. For optimal functionality of the portal, it is recommended to use Google Chrome and to enter your personal data exactly as they appear on the Italian documents. Fast it will send you a confirmation email. Click here...

Registration with the Registry of Italians Residing Abroad (in Italian Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero, or A.I.R.E. for short) is an Italian citizen’s right and duty (Law No. 470/1988, Article 6) and constitutes the prerequisite to avail oneself of consular services provided by representations abroad, as well as for the exercise of imp...

A.I.R.E. REGISTRATION. A.I.R.E. registration requests or changes submitted via FAST IT will be given priority processing over those submitted via other means effective February 1, 2023. PASSPORTS. The Consular Offices of the Embassy of Italy in Washington D.C. have introduced the option of using a "priority lane" for making an appointment with the...

This is the time of the year when we tend to make a balance of our life and of the experiences we’ve enjoyed – or not – in the twelve months about to end. The Fondazione Migrantes, a pastoral organization coordinated by the Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (CEI, the Italian Episcopal Conference) and founded in 1987, did just that in relation to the m...

The elections for the renewal of the Committee of Italians Residing Abroad (Com.It.Es.) will be held at the end of 2021 (art. 14, ¶ 3, Law n.162/12.302019, converted into Law n.118 of 02.28.2020). The Committee of Italians Residing Abroad are elected bodies which represents the interests of Italian citizens residing abroad in their relations with t...

La settimana scorsa, su queste pagine, avevamo denunciato il problema della burocrazia italiana che impediva agli italiani iscritti all’AIRE, ma presenti sul territorio nazionale, di accedere alla campagna vaccinale. A sollevare il problema in aula era stata l’Onorevole Fucsia Nissoli (Forza Italia) con un’interpellanza urgente rivolta al Ministero...

Gli italiani residenti all’estero iscritti all’AIRE, nei prossimi tre anni, avranno l’ingresso gratuito nella rete dei musei, delle aree e dei parchi archeologici di pertinenza pubblica. La mia richiesta, per la quale da tempo mi sono battuta con ogni energia, è stata finalmente accolta con l’approvazione di un mio emendamento alla legge di Bilanci...

Il Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2020 conferma l’esistenza di una forte realtà emigratoria da parte degli italiani; Esistono lungo tutta la Penisola variegate realtà emigratorie. Ed è proprio nelle aree a ridosso delle grandi città o nei borghi di provincia che si assiste a un più forte spopolamento. Ma quanti sono ufficialmente gli italiani all’este...