Ciao from Rome to all the friends of We the Italians, and Happy Easter! We are particularly pleased and proud to announce the first partnership that kicks off a new season for We the Italians. We know that the problem of dual citizenship is very important for several members of the Italian American community, and that is why we are pleased to be ab...

Ciao from Rome to all the friends of We the Italians! Last February 15 I’ve had the honor to attend in Florence to the first event of #200together, the cycle of events organized to celebrate the 200 years of diplomatic relations between Tuscany and the United States. The American Consul in Florence Mr. Benjamin Wohlauer introduced the audience with...

Il 25 febbraio alle ore 11.30, il Soprintendente all’Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio dell’Umbria, Marica Mercalli, l’Arcivescovo della Diocesi di Spoleto – Norcia, Renato Boccardo, il Sindaco di Norcia, Nicola Alemanno, il Sindaco di Cascia, Mario De Carolis, l’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Norcia, Giuseppina Perla, il Presidente di Cult...

Ciao from Rome to all the friends of We the Italians! The new book by We the Italians, the Yearbook of 2018, has been released: you can find it here. In 2018 we interviewed 26 leaders, 26 friends who gave us 26 different views about 24 different topics of the relation between Italy and the US. History, education, Little Italy, sport, language, rese...

Ciao from Rome, Happy 2019! We want to share with you a few numbers regarding our 2018. During last year we've promoted 7,427 news (1,892 of the about Italy, the other ones about something Italian in the US); published 198 articles in the 12 issues of our Magazine; done 24 interviews; published one yearbook (about the 2017 interviews). Our archive...

Ciao from Rome, welcome to the #110 magazine of We the Italians! First of all: Merry Christmas and a Happy 2019! Another year went by, full of Italian excellences, here at We the Italians.

We had the honor of attending to the Conference of Italian Consuls in the World, held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There we were able to see and greet the Consuls General in New York (Francesco Genuardi), Chicago (Giuseppe Finocchiaro), San Francisco (Lorenzo Ortona) and Los Angeles (Antonio Verde), and meet the new ones we had not yet had t...