October 12 2023 We the Italians at the White House

October 12 2023 Italian American Reputation Lab in New York, NY

Dear friends, in September I had the pleasure of attending two events in the United States, both very interesting, which saw me together with a friend with whom we are forming a beautiful business partnership, Davide Ippolito. We were in Detroit, guests of the wonderful Italian Consul Allegra Baistrocchi, for the new edition of LoveItDetroit: a fan...

Dear friends, as you know we do not stop even in August, and this is the editorial for the hottest month of the year. We are working on some new things that will see the light of day soon, and I hope to be able to announce some of these new things as early as next month. On July 29 I had the honor and pleasure of attending the John Fante Festival,...

The NIAF Board of Directors Mission to Italy trip, which took place from June 11 – 21, 2023, was a resounding success. The trip began in Rome, where the board met with high-ranking officials of the Meloni government, members of the Italian parliament and attended a Gala dinner presented by We the Italians, in honor of NIAF, at the historic Circolo...

Dear Friends, for the second year in a row the We the Italians Gala dinner was held at the Circolo del Ministero degli Esteri on June 12, with guests of honor being the board members of the National Italian American Foundation, the most important association representing the 20 million Italian Americans. Photos and videos can be found here. Despite...

  June 12 2023 Roma, Italy https://app.businessplustv.it/api/v1/show/17-cosa-e-successo-al-gala-we-the-italians-2023/share For the second year in a row We the Italians Gala dinner was held at the Circolo del Ministero degli Esteri on June 12, with guests of honor being the board members of the National Italian American Foundation, the most importan...

To bring younger Italians closer to the knowledge of the United States of America, to deepen the study of overseas history, literature and geopolitics, and to foster a constructive comparison between the Italian and American people. These are the goals of the "Alla scoperta dell'America" (Discovering America) project, Promoted by Centro Studi Ameri...

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) has partnered with We the Italians (a media company promoting news about Italy and Italy in the United States) to launch a relief fund to assist the people affected by the devastating historic flooding in Emilia-Romagna, a region located in the northeastern part of Italy, that occurred earlier this mo...

Dear friends, I was about to write this editorial when the flood situation in Emilia Romagna has become dramatic. The photos and videos we see are devastating and make us suffer so much for our brothers and sisters in that beautiful region, where I personally have my roots, although in the part less affected by this horrendous catastrophe. We partn...